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Displaying records 101 to 125 of 3461

16/04/2024 at Cathedine

0800, Merlin flying towards me along the road.
Added by Graham Hughes at 16/04/2024 19:10

06/04/2024 at Canal above The Rectory, Llangattock

Re possible Wryneck at Ffywyddog - funnily enough I was walking on canal above Llangattock a couple Saturdays ago when heard what sounded a bit like a distant little grebe from the field below the canal and by the lane that leads to the Rectory - Wryneck was one of the possibilities that crossed my mind at the time, then I instantly forgot about it until I saw the other report today
Added by Graham Motley at 16/04/2024 17:09

13/04/2024 at Privat garden in the Ffawyddog area above Llangatt...

Without being 100% sure, there's a possibility we may have heard a wryneck making repeated calls in some old trees in a friend's garden last Saturday afternoon. If you're in that area, please keep ears and eyes open.
Added by Susanne Daum at 15/04/2024 14:06

14/04/2024 at Llangorse Lake

Gentle mid-morning to early afternoon stroll in fine but cool weather from Llangasty car park to the wall to view flooded meadows. 64 species. Highlights: 8 Greylag Geese, 1 male Garganey and 1 male Ring-necked Duck on floods with 33 Teal, 8 Gadwall and pair of Shoveler ; 1 Little Grebe, 1 Oystercatcher, 1 Curlew, 1 Lapwing, 2 Common Sandpiper, 1 Great Black-backed Gull, 1 immature Goshawk, 1 Kingfisher, 1 Marsh Tit, 1 Sedge Warbler, 2 Reed Warbler, 1 Grasshopper warbler reeling, 16 Chiffchaff, 4 Willow warbler, 3 Cetti's , 11 Blackcap, 1 Goldcrest, 1 Nuthatch, 1 Treecreeper, 3 Swallow, 4 male Redstart, pair Stonechat, 1 Tree Pipit, pair of Bullfinch. Noted 2 Chiffchaff and 1 Blackcap nest-building. Floods mean we still have decent wildfowl around the lake on a Sunday, in spite of the Water Skiers.
Added by John Lewis at 14/04/2024 18:17

14/04/2024 at Cathedine Common.

Early morning visit. 2 Stock Dove, 1 male Pied Flycatcher, 2male, 1 female Redstart, 1 Tree Pipit.
Added by John Lewis at 14/04/2024 18:01

14/04/2024 at battle, brecon.

Garden warbler in the garden this afternoon.
Added by Peter Jackson at 14/04/2024 16:43

14/04/2024 at Buckland Hill

Male Cuckoo calling on Buckland Hill only heard it. also Pied flycatcher, Linnet, Chiffchaff, Blackcap (m)
Added by Gary Jones at 14/04/2024 16:22

14/04/2024 at Epynt Way above Upper Chapel (SO01764347)

Curlew with beautiful bubbling call. (SO01764347)
Added by Liz B at 14/04/2024 15:53

14/04/2024 at Llangorse Lake

Viewed from near Llynfi bridge towards stone wall early a.m. there were 15 Black-tailed Godwit, looking smart in their breeding plumage, 1 Garganey and 2 Common Sandpipers. There was also a Common Sandpiper at Llangasty.
Added by robert griffiths at 14/04/2024 15:13

13/04/2024 at Coed Nant Bran, Llanfihangel Nant Bran (SN939347)

5+ male Pied Flycatchers present today, plus one female nest-building already. Lots of calling but little song so far. Singing migrants were 4 Chiffchaffs, 2 Willow Warblers, 3 Blackcaps and a Swallow around the village. Blackbird, Robin and Song Thrush on eggs. A male Goosander was on the Nant Bran, and 3 Stock Doves were near Maesmerddyn common. (SN939347)
Added by Rob Thomas at 14/04/2024 00:07

13/04/2024 at Talybont-on-Usk

Trickle of House Martin heading north along the Usk with two groups of 3 & 5 this afternoon.
Added by Mark Waldron at 13/04/2024 21:08

13/04/2024 at Llangorse

12 Curlew flew south over the village calling at 18.35 heading towards the lake. Sandwich Tern patrolling the north shore and west end of the lake at tree top height , occaisionaly diving at 18.30 - still there between 19.45 and 20.05.
Added by John Lewis at 13/04/2024 20:28

13/04/2024 at Cefn Moel - Bwlch (SO152221)

2 Ospreys watched heading West along Tremynfa road before circling together over the pass and up into the low cloud base during this morning's BBS visit. 43 species, highlights of the which were 1 Stock Dove, 1 Green Woodpecker , 15 Skylark, 3 Swallow, 11 Willow Warbler, 17 Chiffchaff, 6 Blackcap, 3 Goldcrest, 4 Nuthatch, 1 Redstart, 3 Wheatear, 3 Stonechat, 5 Tree Pipit, 2 Lesser Redpoll. (SO152221)
Added by John Lewis at 13/04/2024 17:58

13/04/2024 at Llangorse Lake

1 Sandwich Tern this afternoon, also Drake Ring necked Duck still present with Tufteds on the flooded meadows, 2 Common Sandpiper, Singing Reed Warblers, Osprey seen between Talybont on Usk and Llangorse Lake.
Added by Mark Spirito at 13/04/2024 17:49

12/04/2024 at Gilestone farm near Talybont-on-Usk

Osprey at nest. see image gallery and linked advice.
Added by Peter Seaman at 13/04/2024 14:24

13/04/2024 at Buckland hill

10.00 am - First wood warbler of the year, plenty of blackcap, chiffchaff, willow warbler - marsh tit, coal tit aswell
Added by Scott Larman at 13/04/2024 11:05

12/04/2024 at Llangorse Lake

Ring-necked Duck in south-west corner with five Pochard, distantly visible from Hide. Other ducks on SCM with two Lapwings. 12 Curlew flew over, Two Common Sandpipers near ancient oaks, two Little Egrets on Point.
Added by Keith Noble at 12/04/2024 16:52

12/04/2024 at Llanfihangel Talyllyn

Two Swallows enjoying the sun over the garden this morning. Welcome back!
Added by Graham Hughes at 12/04/2024 11:11

11/04/2024 at Battle forest

A willow tit in full voice this morning on our regular dog walk. Also willow warbler, black cap, gold crest, mistle thrush and crossbill, all seemingly enjoy the drier warmer day !
Added by Peter Jackson at 11/04/2024 19:43

10/04/2024 at Llangorse Lake

An Arctic Tern was feeding off Llangasty and a drake Ring-necked Duck was on the flooded sailing club meadows with 5 Pochard (2m3f), see photos in the gallery. The drake spent much of its time very close to the reedbed out of view. Please don't approach closer than the wall as the wildfowl there will only flush or retreat to the willows & reeds. A Reed Warbler was singing by the wall. Still 4 Goldeneye, 10 Wigeon, 51+ Teal, 17+ Tufted, 15 Gadwall, 3 Greylag and 5 singing Cetti's. Five Coot nests have been washed out by the increased lake levels, and the crannog island is under water again forcing all 41 Barnacle Geese back on to the Acorn field where sadly most of their rings are so muddy at the moment they couldn't be read.
Added by Mark Waldron at 10/04/2024 17:48

09/04/2024 at Llysdinam (SO00485891)

Willow warbler singing Chiffchaff and green woodpecer (SO00485891)
Added by Caroline Gellor at 10/04/2024 07:55

08/04/2024 at Llysdinam (SN99315965)

First Swallow seen flying high. We usually have 6+ nests. (SN99315965)
Added by Caroline Gellor at 10/04/2024 07:52

09/04/2024 at Glasbury garden (overhead)

Excellent views of 2 Peregrines overhead. One spectacular stoop and several passes. In the same half hour 4 Red Kites, 2 Buzzards and a Sparrowhawk chasing down but missing a Wood Pigeon then being chased off by 4 Goldfinch. Maybe today should be 'the day of the raptor'.
Added by Shelley Evans at 09/04/2024 19:12

09/04/2024 at Osprey nest at Talybont

One Osprey on the nest , it appeared at 14.40 and left after 15 minutes.
Added by Mark Lee at 09/04/2024 13:54

09/04/2024 at battle, brecon.

single swallow flew past.
Added by Peter Jackson at 09/04/2024 11:26