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Displaying records 1 to 25 of 3474

23/07/2024 at Lower Llangynidr

A hatching of flying ants brought a gathering of House Martins, Swallow and Swift to feed which in turn attracted a cracking Hobby which appeared from the Crickhowell direction at speed. Our first over the village this year.
Added by M&w Evans at 23/07/2024 20:47

22/07/2024 at Llangynidr Bridge

Whilst watching a Dipper near the bridge a Water Rail appeared from the Bwlch Bank and flew to the first island. Our first on this stretch of the river.
Added by M&w Evans at 22/07/2024 14:23

20/07/2024 at Llangorse Lake

At Llangasty point, 14 Common Sandpiper, 3 Oystercatcher, 3 juv. Black-headed Gull, pair Gadwall (drake in eclipse), 3 Teal. Numbers of Coot building up with quite a few juvenile birds. Otherwise quiet.
Added by Chris Dyson at 20/07/2024 14:03

18/07/2024 at Talybont Reservoir

Single Gt White Egret being harassed by a Heron. I noted it has a large red Darvic ring above the left knee, metal BTO ring on rt leg. Unfortunately too far away to read the unique number. Also 2 Little Egret, 10 Teal including the brood of 8 raised there, 3 L Grebe, 5 adult and one large juv GC Grebe, 193 Canada Geese.
Added by Andrew King at 19/07/2024 09:33

18/07/2024 at Llanfihangel Talyllyn

About 15 Swifts circling the church at 8am, three times the usual number.
Added by Graham Hughes at 19/07/2024 07:33

13/07/2024 at Llangorse Lake.

1 Common Sandpiper and 2 ( adult and juvenile ) Little Ringed Plover on the point at Llangasty this afternoon Also a juvenile Redstart and a just fledged Reed Warbler being fed. 20 House Martin feeding over the churchyard.
Added by John Lewis at 13/07/2024 22:29

12/07/2024 at Heol las to Cefn Moel

Flocks of 30 linnets on the gorse on Cefn Moel , a fledged skylark on the path flew away, a flock of 13 Mistle thrush ,wheat ear , yellowhammer , skylarks ,meadow pipits and stonechats , several house martins at Heol las .
Added by Beverley Tucker at 12/07/2024 16:15

12/07/2024 at Llangorse

Peregrine causing consternation among the c. 200 Jackdaws flying to roost over the village.
Added by John Lewis at 12/07/2024 07:46

10/07/2024 at Llangasty

'Autumn' wader passage noted this week - up to 3 Redshanks on several days early in the week, and today (report from Carlton Parry) 7 Black-tailed Godwits flew around the Lake at 07.30am.
Added by Andrew King at 11/07/2024 23:15

10/07/2024 at Llangorse

Male Peregrine spent all of half-time at yesterday evening's match resting on a dead tree in fields north of the lake . Also 40+ Swallows, a few House and Sand Martins and 10 Swifts hunting over the trees, which mobbed a male Sparrowhawk as it flew past with prey. 2 Little Egrets and 8 Cormorants in the roost tree. Juvenile Great Spotted Woodpecker has been frequenting the garden feeder for several days.
Added by John Lewis at 11/07/2024 08:27

09/07/2024 at Llangorse Lake

36+6 Barnacle Geese with broods of 3/2/1, three familes of GC Grebe with broods of 2/2/1, the pair of Oystercatcher still with their one well grown juv, 3 GS Woodpecker young were being fed together on the acorn field, a pair of Spotted Flycatcher were feeding young near the crannog, a pair of Lapwing were very agitated on the sailing club meadow, a pair of LR Plover with a juv at Llangasty where there were also 2 Common Sandpiper, a Little Egret flew over.
Added by Mark Waldron at 09/07/2024 16:34

05/07/2024 at Llangynidr Common

Three pairs of Whinchat all feeding fledged chicks amongst the Bracken along with Tree Pipits, Meadow Pipits and Stonechats.
Added by Mike Warburton at 06/07/2024 08:14

04/07/2024 at Glasbury garden

Spotted Flycatcher update : pair returned to inspect last year's nest by the patio window 14th and 16th May. Some days of courting and food passing followed. Nest construction a metre from the old one began on 26th May on trellis against a wall with honeysuckle. Both birds taking part building over a couple of days. A week or so later one adult was sitting on the nest being brought food. 25th June two small chicks seen in the nest. Daily observation morning and evening showed fairly long intervals (5-10 mins) between feeds probably because insect levels are so poor this year. Most was small even when the chicks became larger, active and vocal - no wasps, bees or butterflies being caught as in 2023. One chick noticeably weaker and fed less often than the stronger one died. Remaining chick was doing well, much stretching and wing flapping exercises so getting ready to fledge over last couple of days. Then today tragedy struck in the form of a family of jays (2 adults with 2 juveniles) on the patio. I ran out chasing them off but the Spotted Flycatcher chick was taken. Both adults were clearly agitated, returning to the nest repeatedly over the next hour or so looking for the chick. Hope other nests have fared better. Seems too late to start over especially given the lack of food about but one can hope.
Added by Shelley Evans at 04/07/2024 20:50

23/06/2024 at cefn bola maen (SN974346)

One singing male yellowhammer and 30+ small heath, alive with them up there. (SN974346)
Added by Peter & Barbara Jackson at 01/07/2024 10:36

30/06/2024 at Crug Mawr hill, The Black Mountains

In a field below Partrishow church were house martins, swallows, two goldfinches, three ravens flying above the larch tree's and a red kite. On the slope of Crug Mawr were meadow pipits and stonechats. Female and male redstart with a caterpillar in it's beak with juvenile's were also observed on the dry stone walls below the hill.
Added by Neil Farr at 30/06/2024 18:35

30/06/2024 at Warren Road, Brecon

A group of c20 Mistle Thrush, mainly juvenile birds, flew up from a stubble field and into a nearby Oak tree, at the top of the Warren Road, Brecon. A male Yellowhammer was perched on power lines further down the hill towards Brecon.
Added by Nick Morgan at 30/06/2024 14:49

26/06/2024 at Gors Llwyn (SN853109)

A visit to this Brecs/Glam border straddling site today yielded gold in the form of a Willow Tit calling right on the county boundary (boardwalk SN853109). Significant in that I could find no SN81 10 km sites with Willow Tit in the 2019 survey and I have not recorded one before here though visits are very infrequent. Also 3 Swifts distantly over Coelbren and a family party of Sedge Warbler but no Reed Warbler singing. Also on the way a single Swift at Pen y cae. (SN853109)
Added by Gareth Rees at 26/06/2024 19:04

23/06/2024 at Trallong common

A quick circuit of the common late afternoon revealed 3 male Yellowhammer which is the expected density for this site. 5 Willow Warbler and a Redstart were also noted
Added by Gareth Rees at 23/06/2024 23:42

21/06/2024 at Grwyne Fawr valley (SO235305)

Maybe more insects up there but pleased this morning with 2 pairs Spotted Flycatcher both having nests - frequent visiting by adults with food for growing young. Above the valley, single Red Grouse, 2 singing male Whinchat and one Stonechat. Also 3 Small Pearl-bordered Fritillaries and 10+ Small Heath butterflies. (SO235305)
Added by Andrew King at 21/06/2024 17:58

19/06/2024 at Nant Cwm-du, under Fan Frynich (SN946215)

A hearing, not a sighting. Eurasian wryneck calling and moving down the valley over about 2 hours (4.30-6.30 pm). Repeat callings the next morning. (Unexpected, but known from my daughter’s garden in Spain - I have audio if verification needed) (SN946215)
Added by Ian Lawrence at 21/06/2024 14:36

Comments (1)

Andrew King at 21/06/2024 18:06: Ian - thank you for reporting this record. We do not get many Wryneck in this part of the world! The Records Committee would appreciate hearing your audio record, if you can forward as an email attachment to

21/06/2024 at Near Ystradfellte

At least 5 Nightjars flying last night, some coming really close to me. Only one female seen. They seemed to be churring all around me.
Added by robert griffiths at 21/06/2024 12:06

20/06/2024 at Llangynidr

Two Sand Martins repeatedly landing on road ahead of car yesterday evening - it was the first warm evening for some time and I expect they may have been picking up flying ants
Added by Graham Motley at 21/06/2024 11:44

19/06/2024 at Llangasty, Llangorse Lake

On and around the Point, a Little Egret in breeding plumage, pair of Teal, female Gadwall and a hybrid Canada Goose. Three Lapwings flew around.
Added by Keith Noble at 20/06/2024 08:47

14/06/2024 at Llangorse Lake

Marsh Harrier seen today over reed beds left of bird hide, 2 Lesser Whitethroats still singing intermittently on the Llangasty side, one now very close to the hide, Juvenile Stonechats seen in the reeds
Added by Mark Spirito at 14/06/2024 20:21

12/06/2024 at Llangorse Lake

The unringed pair of Oystercatcher have a single chick on the crannog island. Four pairs of Barnacle Geese are now with goslings as B35 and its unringed mate have 3 goslings joining B26 & unringed mate + 2, P25 & unringed mate + 3, and B37 & B11 + 1. A pair of Pochard, male Tufted Duck, Kingfiisher and two pairs of Mute Swan with 6 cygnets each were all seen from the jetty.
Added by Mark Waldron at 12/06/2024 19:28