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Displaying records 76 to 100 of 3474

07/05/2024 at Craig Cerrig-gleisiad

Sunday at CCG - Two ring ouzel, pair whinchat, stone chat, female peregrine flew over. Early afternoon on Mynydd Illtyd, one snipe 'chipping' on bog, cuckoo calling, curlew in distance, 2 pr stonechat.
Added by Graham Motley at 07/05/2024 09:47

07/05/2024 at Llangynidr, Duffryn Road / Mill Road

One swift, first one this year.
Added by Douglas Guse at 07/05/2024 09:13

06/05/2024 at Llanfihangel Talyllyn

8am, four Swifts circling very high over the church. First ones seen this year. They didn't stay.
Added by Graham Hughes at 07/05/2024 06:53

04/05/2024 at mynydd illtyd

1 curlew feeding (with 2 skylarks!) by the car parking area for the quarry, north of the visitor centre 1 other curlew displaying and calling. It flew towards the field north of the road.
Added by Ellen Walsh Moorman at 06/05/2024 17:13

06/05/2024 at Talybont on Usk and Gilestone farm

Ospreys. Please would people wishing to observe the birds note the following: 1. there is no parking at Cross Oak, please use Talybont and walk along the towpath. 2. Please do not use the hump back access bridge by the canal side cottages for observations. The best viewing area is from the seat about 100 meters west of that bridge towards Pencelli 3. There is NO access onto the farmland there, including the track that runs from near the canal side cottages. There is a large exclusion zone around the nest which must be complied with. The birds are especially sensitive to human presence and disturbance and unfortunately yesterday, Sunday, there are reports of such behaviour. Many thanks,
Added by Peter Seaman at 06/05/2024 09:55

04/05/2024 at The Point, LLangorse Lake, Llangasty side

2 Oystercatchers on the point. Generally quieter on the Llangasty side of the lake than the records report for the sailing club side. Large clouds of Immature Variable Damselflies in the woodland and path leading to bird hide.
Added by Peter Seaman at 05/05/2024 17:19

05/05/2024 at Llangorse Lake

Mid morning visit. Pair of Wigeon on SCM floods, plus male Pochard, 1 Dunlin, 4 LRP, 2 Curlew teamed up with 5 Whimbrel. 2 Yellow Wag. Good numbers of warblers, especially 6 singing Sedge Warbler between Llangasty and SCM, 5 Garden Warblers, 3 Whitethroat, 6 Willow Warblers. 1 Spotted Flycatcher near the hide.
Added by Chris Dyson at 05/05/2024 14:23

04/05/2024 at Llangorse Lake

11 Whimbrel on SCM today with two Hobbies hunting over.
Added by Mark Hancock at 04/05/2024 19:04

02/05/2024 at Tirabad

Just heard my first Cuckoo of the year , calling through the cold damp murk that's currently passing for Spring in Tirabad .......
Added by Nigel Starnes at 02/05/2024 20:00

01/05/2024 at Pwll-y-Wrach NR

Spotted Flycatcher seen from upper path.
Added by Martin Draper at 02/05/2024 16:22

01/05/2024 at Llangorse Lake

On flooded sailing club meadows 2 Dunlin, 7 Ringed Plover, 6 Little Ringed Plover, 11 Whimbrel, 2 Oystercatcher, 13 Yellow Wagtail, 5 White Wagtail, drake Shelduck, pair Pochard, 5 (4m1f) Tufted, 3 (2m1f) Shoveler, 4m Gadwall and 4 Little Egret.
Added by Mark Waldron at 01/05/2024 14:15

28/04/2024 at Llangorse Lake

Llangorse Lake this afternoon- 5 Yellow Wag and 6 alba White Wagtail on SCM, also 4 Shelduck, 11 Gadwall (2 females), 8 Shoveler (3 females), pair Teal, 2 LRP, 4 Garden Warbler, Osprey seen distantly heading off over The Allt towards Scethrog. Big hatch of midges so Sand Martins descended on the lake and floods in their hundreds.
Added by Chris Dyson at 28/04/2024 22:18

28/04/2024 at Llangorse Lake

Brief visit this morning - five Shelduck on flooded field beyond Sailing Club/Llynfi bridge, two Oystercatchers flying around, one Little Egret and a group of 15 Swifts.
Added by Graham Motley at 28/04/2024 18:31

28/04/2024 at WTSWW Ystrad Fawr, Ystradglynais (SN798107)

At least 2 Cuckoos heard calling here today also 2 Grasshopper Warblers, while at Gilestone Farm Talybont - on -Usk, 2 Hobbies seen together. As for American Robin on Buckland Hill, its not impossible but highly unlikely, more possible is the Merlin App is an American version Gary in my opinion (SN798107)
Added by Mark Spirito at 28/04/2024 15:17

27/04/2024 at Buckland Hill

I'm not sure how good the Merlin app is, my friend last week picked up an American robin on the app. I was on Buckland hill at 1pm and I picked up the American robin. do we get the American robin in the UK.
Added by Gary Jones at 27/04/2024 16:50

Comments (1)

Andrew King at 27/04/2024 18:27: Gary - a common fault of Merlin i am afraid. Read Common Redstart or Robin for 'American Robin'.

26/04/2024 at Llangorse Lake

Calm but cold for an early evening walk from the village to the common, sailing club flood and jetty with Jonathan Demanuel. Highlights : 4 Swift over the north shore, 8 Gadwall, 2 Shoveler, 6 Little Ringed Plover, 2 Whimbrel, 4 Little Egret, 6 Grey Heron, 1 female Yellow Wagtail and 2 White Wagtail on the sailing club field/ flood plus 40 Swallow, 200 Sand Martin and 2 House Martin hawking over the field . A further 250 Sand Martin feeding low over the lake, 2 Common Sandpiper and 1 Oystercatcher and 5 Barnacle Geese by the jetty and a Great White Egret by Llangasty point.
Added by John Lewis at 26/04/2024 23:03

26/04/2024 at Llangasty

5 swifts by church, 200 sand martins and swallows over the lake, 2 water rail in the reeds by the hide but no sign of the purple heron
Added by Nick McNeil-Watson at 26/04/2024 19:35

26/04/2024 at Talybont canal viewpoint

Osprey showing well at midday adding sticks to the nest
Added by Mark Davies at 26/04/2024 18:10

26/04/2024 at Llangynidr

Circa 30 hirundines feeding high above the Usk valley this morning - mostly House Martins and largest group of this species I have seen for a long time - they quickly moved westwards
Added by Graham Motley at 26/04/2024 11:18

24/04/2024 at Llangorse Lake

Walking from Llangasty towards the flooded meadows, the purple heron flew up from the reeds just beyond the hide. Flew in the direction of the meadows, but exact landing spot was out of sight.
Added by Sue Shaw at 24/04/2024 19:05

24/04/2024 at Osprey view point

Spotted at the canal viewing point at 1pm
Added by Damion Williams at 24/04/2024 13:05

24/04/2024 at Osprey viewing point, canal towpath Talybont (SO10752382)

Osprey sitting on telegraph pole near solar panels (SO10752382)
Added by Robert Lane at 24/04/2024 13:03

23/04/2024 at Llangorse Lake

Hundreds of Sand Martins swarming over the lake in light rain this morning. Later, two Swifts over with Swallows and House Martins. Oystercatcher on the point chasing off a Sparrowhawk. Black-tailed Godwit, two Ringed Plovers and three Common Sandpipers on the flooded meadows.
Added by Nicholas Beswick at 23/04/2024 21:19

23/04/2024 at Sennybridge

First Swift high over the village a few minutes ago. 4 House Martin (first here 20th). Also a Bullfinch calling in my garden - a species that needs close attention as there have been large declines in the east of England (effects of bird feeder problems that have recently affected Greenfinch, Chaffinch etc).
Added by Gareth Rees at 23/04/2024 19:04

22/04/2024 at scethrog

2 swifts soaring and circling above the tower and 30 plus sand martins sweeping low on the fields and river
Added by Ellen Walsh Moorman at 23/04/2024 15:18