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Displaying records 26 to 50 of 3474

12/06/2024 at Llywn-onn Res

Just out of county but of interest, there was a Red-breasted Goose at the northern end of Llywn-onn Res this afternoon in amongst the Canada Geese.
Added by robert griffiths at 12/06/2024 18:49

09/06/2024 at Llangorse

Highlights of a morning walk along Nant Cwy were a Cuckoo, pair of Blackcap feeding a fledgling, pair of Nuthatch with 2 fledglings, a Spotted Flycatcher and a male Redstart taking food to a nest hole. This evening, 5 little Egret in the roost tree on north shore of the lake,
Added by John Lewis at 09/06/2024 21:07

09/06/2024 at Usk Reservoir

Two recently fledged Willow Tits were found near the Usk reservoir this morning. Also 2-3 Wood Warbler, 3 Tree Pipits, 3 Whitethroats and several Crossbill calling
Added by Gareth Rees at 09/06/2024 15:28

08/06/2024 at Llangorse Lake

Common Tern feeding off the north shore this evening, pus a pair of Pochard and 2 Little Egret in the roosting tree after sunset.
Added by John Lewis at 08/06/2024 22:51

08/06/2024 at Talybont-on-Usk

Adult Chiffchaffs feeding four just-fledged young on the canal side early evening.
Added by John Lewis at 08/06/2024 22:49

07/06/2024 at Mynydd Llangorse

Peregrine watched quartering the ridge for several minutes early evening, plus the usual Red Kites, Ravens and Buzzards. Also a Stock Dove.
Added by John Lewis at 08/06/2024 22:46

08/06/2024 at Llangorse Lake

3 Common Tern.
Added by Mark Waldron at 08/06/2024 17:08

06/06/2024 at Coed Jubilee, Crain Cerrig Gleisiad

3 pairs of pied flycatcher (all in boxes) and 1 pair spotted flycatcher, in this high-altitude oak plantation woodland (take the left hand path from the CCG lay-by)
Added by Rob Thomas at 06/06/2024 00:21

05/06/2024 at Llangorse Lake

Three pairs of Barnacle Geese now with goslings: B26 & unringed mate + 2, P25 & unringed mate + 3, and B37 & B11 + 1.
Added by Mark Waldron at 05/06/2024 21:03

05/06/2024 at Llangorse Lake

2 Lesser Whitethroats still singing on the Llangasty side of the lake, one on the fringes of the woodland between car park and hide, and the other in the hedgerow of the first field beyond the hide ( Orchid Field ), both remaining well hidden and elusive in Brambles however, 1 Oystercatcher and a single Lapwing, general increase in L.B.B. Gulls and Herring Gulls noticeable today
Added by Mark Spirito at 05/06/2024 16:15

02/06/2024 at Penwyllt

Aiming mainly for butterflies I arrived at Penwyllt after mid-day and found that there were at least 9 Herring Gulls wheeling around the big cliffs within the former quarry workings before they moved on up the slope. As I walked south along the former railway track more gull calls were heard and I turned to find 100-150 gulls there with the majority being Lesser Black Backed gulls with a scattering of Herring. Along the track there were a family party of Wheatear and Redstart carrying food. Insects were thin on the ground with a single Dingy Skipper, 2-3 Small Heath and a single Small Tortoiseshell amongst GV Whites. A Mother Shipton moth also present. Yesterday there were at least 4 Red-necked Footman moths within the dense mature forestry of south Glasfynydd forest at Cwm Feity. Three Wood Warbler territories were found there but tree felling has possibly disrupted the usual distribution
Added by Gareth Rees at 02/06/2024 17:11

02/06/2024 at Penwaundwr/Nant Cnewr Fawr,

After finding one or possibly a pair of Spotted Flycatcher in a mature Spruce block at Penwaundwr I then stopped at the other two blocks on square SN9022 and found feeding Spotted Flycatchers at each of these so these shelter belts seem to be useful breeding habitat for this species in the western uplands where they are quite frequent. The Epynt MOD has loads of these so it would be good to think they all have pairs. Also present were 2 Tree Pipit territories, 2 Crossbill, Cuckoo and Lesser Redpoll
Added by Gareth Rees at 02/06/2024 17:00

01/06/2024 at Pennorth

Pair of Lapwing with at least one very small chick, female Yellow Wagtail and 2 alarming Whitethroat all within a very thin crop of Winter Beans.
Added by Andrew King at 01/06/2024 18:41

31/05/2024 at Glasfynydd forest, south

Despite a doubling of suitable habitat due to clear felling only a single Nightjar churred at SN8625. Started at 21:36 and fairly regular until at least 22:00. Nothing heard there on a previous visit in the first half of May. Good populations of Song Thrush and many Willow Warbler on both visits. At least 2-3 Meadow Pipits displaying in the forestry brash (too late in the day for Tree Pipit song)
Added by Gareth Rees at 01/06/2024 09:15

30/05/2024 at Talybont reservoir

9.45pm - 10.30pm, 3x night jar seen on hillside behind the southern hide on Talybont reservoir. Viewing from the road, there's a clearing with views up the hill a short distance south of the hide layby. Couple of brief sightings right by the road, including 2 chasing eachother. Not much churring which is unusual. Also 1 more churring heard whilst heading home about half up the reservoir.
Added by Scott Larman at 30/05/2024 22:53

30/05/2024 at Llangorse Lake

Single Sandwich Tern at west side of the lake.
Added by Mark Waldron at 30/05/2024 11:27

29/05/2024 at Llangasty

2 spotted flycatchers. Redstart, sedge warblers, reed warblers, common whitethroat by footpath passing the hide
Added by Nick McNeil-Watson at 30/05/2024 09:12

29/05/2024 at Llangorse Sailing club meadows

2 spotted flycatchers, 2 redstarts and a garden warbler in hedge on right on crossing the bridge
Added by Nick McNeil-Watson at 30/05/2024 09:10

29/05/2024 at Grwyne Fawr reservoir Black Mountains (SO230307)

One singing Wood Warbler near the car park area, single Common Sandpiper, female Goosander, Pair of Grey Wagtails (SO230307)
Added by Mark Spirito at 29/05/2024 20:47

28/05/2024 at Craig-y-Nos Country Park (SN840156)

Pair of Little Grebe with 3 tiny young on the main lake. (SN840156)
Added by Mark Waldron at 28/05/2024 16:11

26/05/2024 at Llangorse Lake

Barnacle Goose P25 which is paired with an unringed bird was fiercly defending 3 young goslings on the crannog island as they tried to make their way accross the Island through B01's territory. A pair of Canada Goose on the Acorn field had four goslings, 3 yellow and 1 grey, it did cross my mind that they may have adopted a Barnacle gosling?? On the sailing club meadows 2 Ringed Plover, 1 Little Ringed Plover, 2 Curlew, 2 Oystercatcher (including the right leg metal ringed bird) one of which was making repeat journeys to the crannog island. Two family groups of Mute Swan with 3 cygnets at Llangasty and 6 at the crannog.
Added by Mark Waldron at 26/05/2024 19:23

25/05/2024 at Llangorse Lake

From Llangasty side, good sightings of osprey hunting over this side of the lake at 1 pm - watched for 10 minutes before the persistent harassment of a small group of gulls caused it to move on. Four hobbies spotted further along, and cuckoo calling in the distance.
Added by Sue Shaw at 25/05/2024 15:22

24/05/2024 at Upper Llangynidr

First of our three new swift boxes taken today, plus several birds banging on the other two. The pair nesting under the soffit close by having returned earlier this month.
Added by Susanne Daum at 24/05/2024 23:58

23/05/2024 at Llangorse Lake (SO130261)

A Lesser Whitethroat singing in the hedgerow approximately 200 metres from the Llangasty car park when walking towards the hide, and another singing in second field hedgerow beyond the hide together with a Common Whitethroat, also 9 Summer Plumaged Dunlin and 1 Ringed Plover in the receding flooded area (SO130261)
Added by Mark Spirito at 23/05/2024 16:08

22/05/2024 at Llangorse Lake & Park Wood

A Shelduck, 2 Yellow Wagtail, 2 drake Gadwall and 14 Barnacle Geese were on the flooded sailing club meadows today. On Sunday afternoon I visited Park Wood near Talgarth, territory counts were 4 Spotted Flycatcher, 6 Blackcap, 1 Garden Warbler, 19 Chiffchaff, 1 Willow Warbler, and 5 Redstart. No Wood Warbler or Pied Flycatcher heard at all.
Added by Mark Waldron at 22/05/2024 23:53