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Displaying records 3426 to 3450 of 3461

16/01/2017 at Llandyfalle Hill (Nant-yr-arian)

50 Golden Plover roosting plus mixed flock c 200 Starling, Redwing and Fieldfare feeding in muddy sheep field.
Added by Shelley Evans at 17/01/2017 16:57

17/01/2017 at Halfway Forest/Gamrhiw

22 species, mostly around the old Gamrhiw farmstead. Best were 60 Redwing, 9 Bullfinch on Ash keys, 12 Blackbirds, Woodcock, single Red Kite and male Goshawk. On return, decent count of 23 Blackbirds feeding together on the small playing field behind Brecon Theatre.
Added by Andrew King at 17/01/2017 15:44

17/01/2017 at Brecon

Siberian and two 'common' Chiffchaffs in the lane beside Brecon STW with many Goldcrests etc, 9 Grey Wagtails and another in Canal Basin.
Added by Keith Noble at 17/01/2017 14:16

15/01/2017 at Glasbury to Hay (vicinity of Upper Sheephouse)

Although Canada Geese regularly fly upriver at Glasbury they seem to have foresaken the usual spot at Fford Fawr in recent months. So set out to track them down: Found 160 Canadas plus 38 Mute Swan in fields between R Wye and Upper Sheephouse between Glasbury and Hay. No sign of Whooper or Bewick though hedgrows made some difficult to see and probably worth keeping an eye out in case. Man with shotgun heading for the flock fired into the air and all took off but Canadas resettled a couple of fields away with Swans scattering many taking to the river.
Added by Shelley Evans at 15/01/2017 18:00

15/01/2017 at Llangorse Lake & Llangynidr

BTO monthly WeBS count today: drake Pintail (1), Canada Geese (323), Wigeon (247), Gadwall (51), Shoveler (41), Tufted Duck (190), Goldeneye (51) and Goosander (29) had all increased since December WeBS. Also saw 2-4 Gt Wh Egret, 1 L Egret, 1 male Mandarin. While inputting data onto the BTO website, I noticed this weekend is the 50th Anniversary of the first 'duck-count' at Llangorse under this Survey. Impressive - only 3 winters were missed in the late-'70s. No Waxwing seen in Upper Llangynidr this pm.
Added by Andrew King at 15/01/2017 17:53

15/01/2017 at Glasbury - Ffordd Fawr

WeBS count today: 7 Cormorant, 1 Goosander, 6 Grey Heron, 150 Mallard, 1 Moorhen, 3 Mute Swan, 22 Teal and 21 Wigeon. Also 1 Buzzard, 1 Kestrel, 2 Red Kite. c 75 BH Gull and c 200 mixed Corvids thermalling. River level slightly higher than last month but still low for the time of year.
Added by Shelley Evans at 15/01/2017 17:51

15/01/2017 at Talybont Resrvoir.

pair of stonechat hunting in long grass directly in front of old Talybont hide today. Otherwise 18 L Grebe, 1 cormorant, 1 G heron, 2 pair Teal, 3 mallard, 1 drake and 3 female goldeneye and 1 moorhen.
Added by Peter & Barbara Jackson at 15/01/2017 16:13

15/01/2017 at Brecon

Siberian Chiffchaff with two or more typical Chiffs at Brecon STW in hedge by blue trailer at river end of works. Six Waxwings in Theatr Brycheiniog car park.
Added by Keith Noble at 15/01/2017 16:01

14/01/2017 at Llyswen

2 Little Grebes just upstream of Boughrood bridge.
Added by Sean Wilcox at 15/01/2017 08:28

14/01/2017 at Llangasty & Llyswen

No Waxwing on the BWT Bird Watch this morning, but super light allowed good views of the regular waterfowl, GW and L Egrets, Red Kite, Redwing, etc. This afternoon at Llyswen cattle field by the A470, 2 Little Egrets (one with a badly damaged foot), 180 BHGull, 6 Herons.
Added by Andrew King at 14/01/2017 16:22

14/01/2017 at Llangynidr

Great views of ten Waxwings in Llangynidr this morning. Nice to see the the two Mike W's again should be plenty more close-ups to come!!
Added by Steve and Sue Wilce. at 14/01/2017 16:18

14/01/2017 at Brecon

3 Waxwing in Belle Vue Gardens.
Added by Mark Waldron at 14/01/2017 11:25

13/01/2017 at Llangynidr village centre

Eight Waxwing in the roadside berried-hedge opposite the Village Hall, 2.15pm. Near the recycling skips. Just passing, so no chance to check for colour-rings. Keith and I will try to find some more for those on the Bird Walk tomorrow!
Added by Andrew King at 13/01/2017 17:51

13/01/2017 at Brecon

One Waxwing briefly in Belle Vue Gardens at 3.30, but join the Birdwalk at the Lake tomorrow.
Added by Keith Noble at 13/01/2017 15:47

10/01/2017 at Roadside field North of Llyswen on right.

2 Egrets which I assume to be Cattle Egrets. The assumption is based on the fact that they were spotted in a field full of cattle and busying themselves pecking in the surrounding mud. No binoculars to hand to confirm other identification features. [Valmai - thanks. See Alan's post of 26.12.2016 who had several Little Egrets in that field. Suspect that is the species you saw, but I shall check asap as there is a national influx of cattle Egret at present.VAK].
Added by Valmai Williams at 11/01/2017 19:34

10/01/2017 at South Brecs

Again very quiet about. Several Bullfinches and 4 Redpolls near Carn yr Arian. Cwm Llia birdless/silent except for a couple of corvids - similarly at the Usk Reservoir where just 2 Cormorants and a Pied Wagtail were noted. Several Fieldfares were near Crai Village and a flock of 40 others seen near Trecastle (here a Dipper on the river) An occasional Kite, Buzzard and a small gathering of Ravens near the Crai Reservoir.
Added by Bob and Gwil Griffiths at 10/01/2017 19:43

07/01/2017 at Buckland Hill

Yesterday, had 12-15 Brambling with 10 Chaffinch under beeches in the wood. Also Gt, Coal, LT Tits, GS Woodpecker, Buzzard. Hill also quiet - pr Stonechat are still there flycatching from bracken in mild temps.
Added by Andrew King at 08/01/2017 17:21

07/01/2017 at Llangorse Lake

Brecon today didnt see Waxwings either :( But late visit to Langorse (lakeside Common) yesterday afforded several minutes of spectacular Starling murmurations - 30K plus birds in huge widely dispersed cloud forming into dense black ball before shapeshifting. Clear silhoutte of raptor (probably Sparrowhawk) flying just below them and making lunging attacks into the centre unsuccessfully before flying off. GWE fishing opp Llangasty plus large nos Shoveler, Coot, Mutes, Cormorant Goldeneye etc on Lake and Kingfisher in reedbed (first time I've seen one there).
Added by Shelley Evans at 08/01/2017 16:47

05/01/2017 at Llangasty

Delighted to see several birders have found the Waxwings in Brecon - but not me! Returned to a more reliable venue - 4 Gt White Egrets seen simultaneously, 1 L Egret, 37 Shoveler, and 85 Snipe.
Added by Andrew King at 05/01/2017 19:00

05/01/2017 at Brecon

I paid a cursory visit to Belle Vue Gardens after shopping in Brecon today and there are still seven Waxwings frequenting the area, in particular Mount Street School. I had a pleasant conversation with the very nice headmistress about the Waxwings and she asked me for a photograph and details of where the birds have come from, in an effort to get the small children interested, (You can't start 'em too young)! However, on a more sobering note she politely requested that people don't hang around and in particular take photos when the children are out in the playground, which is quite frequently. Sadly these days we have to accept that everyone's intentions are not honourable. Just thought I'd appraise people of a potentially delicate situation.
Added by Steve Wilce. at 05/01/2017 14:40

04/01/2017 at Glasbury garden

2 Marsh Tits and a very belligerant solitary Fieldfare still protecting apples and berries from other birds - it's been around since before Christmas even had a go at a Pheasant.
Added by Shelley Evans at 04/01/2017 23:04

04/01/2017 at Southern reservoirs

At Talybont Res. 16 Little Grebe, 1m Pochard, 4 Mallard and a group of 4 Jay flew accross the road. Neuadd Res. just 1 Redpoll, 2 Raven, 2 Stonechat, 1 Wren and a group of 7 Coal Tit. Pentwyn Res. 1 GC Grebe and 6 Goldeneye. (Just a single waxwing reported in Brecon today near the school).
Added by Mark Waldron at 04/01/2017 17:03

27/12/2016 at Gwaunceste hill, Glascwn

short-eared owl, pair of jack snipes
Added by Shawn Morris at 03/01/2017 22:13

03/01/2017 at Fan Brycheiniog

Carrion Crow, Snipe and 4 Raven were found on a 3.5 hour walk up to a blast frozen Fan Frycheiniog and Fan Foel. Only the Ravens were above the scarp. I have often wondered how they can support themselves up there but a few bread scraps and half a salted peanut in the stone shelter near the trig point indicates that there is enough food left by walkers to supplement the scant natural pickings.
Added by Gareth Rees at 03/01/2017 17:04

03/01/2017 at Brecon

A dozen Waxwings at first light had increased to at least 17 by mid-day, but not seen since
Added by Keith Noble at 03/01/2017 15:46