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Displaying records 3276 to 3300 of 3463

23/04/2017 at MOD Epynt (by permit)

Birds few and far between - maybe the cold N wind, or possibly due to two foxes moving about. Best were a pair of feeding/displaying Curlew and another feeding single, Swallows plying their way north, 2 Wheatears and small flocks of M Pipits and Skylarks not yet sorted out territories. A pair of Swallow in an underground obs bunker have already placed a fresh rim of mud on a 2016 nest.
Added by Andrew King at 23/04/2017 22:26

15/04/2017 at River Treweryn

41 Lesser Black-Backed Gulls were counted on the deck in the same area last Saturday below Coed Howell farm house (SN912252). All were in adult plumage and I assumed they were migrants that would soon be on their way - so there must be good feeding there to keep them in the locality for more than a week.
Added by Gareth Rees at 23/04/2017 21:44

23/04/2017 at Craig-y-nos Country Park / Tarrell Valley

31 species around the park this afternoon the highlights being a Pied Flycatcher singing around a nestbox, a Redstart in song, 3 Dipper including an occupied nest, 3 Chiffchaff, 2 Willow Willow, 2 Blackcap, 9 Goldcrest, 3 Nuthatch, singles of GS and Green Woopecker, 1 Grey Wagtail, 17 Canada Geese and 20 Mallard. On the way there a sheep field between Defynnog and Crai at Treweryn held 61 LBB, 1 juv GBB and 4 Herring Gull. Along the Tarrell near Libanus another male Pied Flycatcher and 2 Redstart all in song.
Added by Mark Waldron at 23/04/2017 20:33

23/04/2017 at Tirabad

First Cuckoo of the year heard this morning
Added by Nigel Starnes at 23/04/2017 17:10

23/04/2017 at Brecon Beacons

A list of birds seen while out walking in the Beacons over the last week. 3 Peregrines. Female Merlin, twice in same location. Goshawk, carrying prey, (medium sized bird). Kestrel. Tawny Owl. 3 Cuckoos, all males. 2 heard, 1 seen. Pair of Redstarts. Tree Pipits, numbers building. Northern Wheatears on breeding territories. Three Pied Flycatchers, one pair at a nest. Green Woodpecker on ant hills, regular. Willow Warblers everywhere. 20 Siskins, 2 Blackcaps and 4 Greenfinches, (back in my garden after a long absence).
Added by Steve and Sue Wilce at 23/04/2017 10:51

21/04/2017 at Lower Llangynidr

Our first Swift of the year over the house in Llangynidr at 0920 this morning.
Added by M & W Evans at 21/04/2017 08:29

20/04/2017 at spread eagle

3 oyster-catchers,pair of sandpipers, drake Mandarin waiting with duck obviously on a nest close by,swallows a plenty.drake Muscovy waiting with duck on nest.
Added by L,M-A at 21/04/2017 05:12

19/04/2017 at Cefn Moel (Bwlch)

Good views of a Cuckoo (female) uttering its bubbling call at lunchtime today.
Added by Andrew King at 19/04/2017 20:51

19/04/2017 at Llangorse lake

In Rushy Field a Redshank and 10 Lapwings, heard Curlew. Common Sandpiper, Little Egret and a dozen Snipe at SCM. On Point a Greenshank, 4 Oystercatchers, 2 Little Ringed Plovers and a Common Sandpiper. 4 Lapwings in Point Field.
Added by Keith Noble at 19/04/2017 15:52

18/04/2017 at Ysgirfechan BBS

First BBS (SN9537) visit performed yesterday in a stronger (and colder) than anticipated easterly wind. Probably suppressed some Skylark and mippit display but nevertheless the usual numbers present. Snipe were a newly recorded species with two flushing right off the transect line on separate legs of the survey. I suspect these were migrants or late winterers although the second may have done some display flighting as it returned to a new hiding place. In the sheltered valley 31 species were quickly recorded on the farm (despite Pied Fly and other later migrants being as yet absent). Most pleasing was the 4-5 Tree Pipit territories recorded there, easily a record high count. A Cuckoo was at Forest Lodge, yesterday 18th, reported to me by Mary Forsyth
Added by Gareth Rees at 19/04/2017 13:43

18/04/2017 at Buckland hill, bwlch

Cuckoo (male) Spotted my first cuckoo of the year on the left hand side of Buckland hill, it flew past from the direction of Llangynidr towards mynydd Llangorse, also Stone chats, Willow warblers, Chiff chaff and a single male Linnet
Added by Gary Jones at 19/04/2017 11:38

18/04/2017 at Cwm Claisfer

A cuckoo calling this morning, numerous Willow Warblers catching insects in the sunshine although it is surprisingly cold in the breeze. A pair of Stonechats on the way up to the pumping station. Two pairs of Grey Wagtails, a pair of Dippers on the stream. A pair of Coal Tits seen with lots of Wrens and Robins about. Small numbers of Meadow and Tree Pippets. Single Juv Red Kite over,Sparrow hawk and 4 Buzzards also seen. No other migrants as yet. On Blaen Onnau, Wheatear numbers seem to have risen since yesterday, with numerous Pied / White Wagtails. Very few Stonechats seen which is unusual. Plenty of Mippets and Skylarks on the short grass area,s.
Added by Mike Williams at 18/04/2017 15:25

17/04/2017 at Llanwrthwl

Interesting to see the Sand Martin reports from Llangors. Yesterday evening there were 3 Sand Martin's among a small flock of Swallows at Llanwrthwl bridge - a less than annual occurence for me here, perhaps indicating a good passage day generally. A single House Martin was with these birds, i saw my first here on sunday - they are late and slow to return this year.
Added by Steve Jones at 18/04/2017 06:43

16/04/2017 at Various

I came up with a minimum of 1050 Sand Martin at Llangorse on Sunday evening (method: count every binocular field of view with a minimum of 50 birds, rapidly scan whole lake and I found 21 fields of view so multiply 50 by 21. Several fields mid-lake contained far more than 50 hence this number is just the lower limit). Pair of Ring Ouzel (with brief song) at traditional but seldom visited site in SN81, good Wheatear density there too. Four breeding sites for Starling found in SN82 (6 pairs at least).
Added by Gareth Rees at 17/04/2017 23:30

17/04/2017 at Various

Two Ringed Plover on the point tonight, and many hirundines hunting over the lake surface. No luck with Cuckoo, but in recent days had single Ring Ouzel at Blaen Onneu and Fan Frynych NNR. Several BTO Breeding Bird Survey early visits completed along regular transects indicate that relatively few summer migrants are in, apart from Chiffchaff and Blackcap. A few Redstarts, but little song. Two Common Sandpiper on the Usk at Glanusk Park. Nice to come across Starlings defending nestholes in oak trees too.
Added by Andrew King at 17/04/2017 21:13

17/04/2017 at Mynydd Fforest

Heard but not seen my first cuckoo of the year on the walk up from the pool to Mynydd Fforest trig point. Large flock of Golden Plover on the hill.
Added by David Whitehead at 17/04/2017 12:34

16/04/2017 at Llangorse Lake

At Llangasty a Little Egret, 1 Little Ringed Plover and a Common Sandpiper and over on the sailing club meadow a Whimbrel and 4 Ringed Plover. Also two pairs of Gadwall, 15 Teal and a Tufted Duck. At the crannog a Swan was sitting on three eggs. The remains of two dead Mute Swan were also at the sailing club meadow.
Added by Mark Waldron at 16/04/2017 17:41

16/04/2017 at Brehcfa pool

A influx of Wheaters 9 around the pool and more on the common, white wagtail, redpoll and pair of curlew
Added by Dave Whitehead at 16/04/2017 12:44

15/04/2017 at Llangorse lake

On the Point 4 Little Ringed Plovers, a Dunlin and 2 White Wagtails. In Rushy Field a Ringed Plover, 10 Lapwings and a Curlew. Two Little Egrets perched in S.Africa, several Swallows among many Sand Martins. Redstarts singing.
Added by Keith Noble at 15/04/2017 13:08

14/04/2017 at Trecastle

Weak Grasshopper Warbler reeling heard this evening. Also 8 Snipe in winter mode.
Added by Gareth Rees at 14/04/2017 20:12

14/04/2017 at Llangasty

First malard duckling seen on edge of reeds, pair of gadwall, shoveler, sedge warbler plus too many sand martins to count.
Added by David Whitehead at 14/04/2017 18:49

14/04/2017 at Sennybridge

8 House Martins appeared during misty drizzle 15:30. Not sure if these were breeding birds or migrants passing through.
Added by Gareth Rees at 14/04/2017 17:08

14/04/2017 at Mynydd illtyd

3 wheaters together, 5 willow warbler, Red kites, curlew, redstart and high speed flyover by Goshawk.
Added by Dave Whitehead at 14/04/2017 12:58

11/04/2017 at Llangasty

16.30 Female Marsh Harrier pursued by a Carrion Crow low over the reedbed across the front of the hide. Several Blackcap and Chiffchaff singing, GS Woodpecker, Treecreeper, Cetti's Warbler X2, plus lots of Orange-tips flying.
Added by Allan Hopkins at 12/04/2017 22:41

11/04/2017 at Near Beulah

A very happy coincidence this morning. An hour after watching a Sky News report on the decline of certain British bird species, I hear a Curlew calling when standing on my doorstep. Grabbing the binoculars and heading down the drive in the vague direction, I hear a very close call and a calling bird flies directly over the garden, with a second bird flying parallel some distance away. Flying westerly towards Penfedw & Pistyll Gwyn before turning south-west. First I've seen or heard close to the house in 16 years here.
Added by Andrew Dally at 11/04/2017 07:29