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Displaying records 3351 to 3375 of 3463

14/03/2017 at Beacons Reservoir

3 pairs of Mallard, 1x G.C.G. 2 Canada Geese, pair Goosander, 1 Buzzard and a single Mippet.
Added by Bob Griffiths at 14/03/2017 14:45

13/03/2017 at Llandefalle Hill

30 Golden Plovers and a dozen Fieldfares.
Added by Keith Noble at 13/03/2017 17:21

13/03/2017 at Glasbury - Fford Ffawr

WeBS count today: best undoubtedly the herd of 35 Curlew (most I have seen here in 4years). Then 14 Canada, 2 Cormorant, 4 Goosander, 3 Grey Heron, 15 Lapwing, 24 Mallard,2 Mute Swan, 4 Oystercatcher, 2 Red Kite. Also Chiffchaff singing and pair of Reed Bunting. Heron and duck count possibly a little low as curtailed route (no futher than wheat field) as didnt want to disturb the feeding Curlew - Red Kite already put them up twice before they resettled in same spot.
Added by Shelley Evans at 13/03/2017 14:14

12/03/2017 at Beacons Reservoir

This morning at 0850: Canada Goose 1, Great Crested Grebe 1, Mallard 2, Buzzard 1, Fieldfare 12
Added by Ceri Jones at 12/03/2017 21:58

12/03/2017 at Brecfa Pool

This morning at 0930: Lapwing 1, Curlew 2, Teal 20+, Canada Goose 1, Mallard 5, Coot 5, LBBG and HG
Added by Ceri Jones at 12/03/2017 21:49

12/03/2017 at Llangorse Lake

WeBS count this morning. Most sp down in number as you would expect for March, although 288 Wigeon and 42 Goldeneye are consistent with previous monthly counts. Also Black Swan, 2 Greylags, 3 LEgret, 3 GWEgret, 21 Gadwall, 152 Teal, 7 Shoveler, 1m Pochard, 1f Scaup, just 22 Tufteds, 8 Water Rail, just 91 Coot, 3m Pintail. Waders - 2 Oyc, 15 Lapwing, 47 Curlew. Also SpHawk, 2 singing Chiffchaff, 8 Redwing including song, 2 Cettis territories, Reed Buntings.
Added by Andrew King at 12/03/2017 21:49

12/03/2017 at Brynich to Brecon

Among WeBS sightings were pairs of Little Grebe and Teal at Ty Mawr Pool Llanfrynach, 3 Kingfishers on the river. I saw no Chiffchaffs or Goldcrests at Brecon STW, and suspect that a Chiffchaff nearer Brynich may have been a fresh arrival.
Added by Keith Noble at 12/03/2017 20:11

12/03/2017 at Tai Hirion off the A4059 (SN947111)

Single Wheatear (SN947111)
Added by Bob Griffiths at 12/03/2017 16:13

11/03/2017 at Begwns

Flock of approx 150 - 200 Golden Plover, lone Stonechat, by/on the main pond, single Reed Bunting, 4 x Mallard, 6 x Coot, 6 x BHG. Top spot goes to a single Wheatear on the western side.
Added by Brenda Gammons at 11/03/2017 14:23

11/03/2017 at spread eagle fishery

curlew at spread eagle. Tawney owls calling last night and early this am.
Added by L,M-A at 11/03/2017 07:47

10/03/2017 at Llangorse area

Barn Owl - first report of one hunting by the A40 at Llanhamlach this Monday, sadly fresh dead on the verge by Friday. Llangasty dusk - Cettis Warbler in carpark, 3 drake Pintail on point field flood, 3 Gt White Egrets, 5 Little Egrets, just 8 Shoveler now. The wanderer has returned (from Herefordshire) - the Black Swan is back and aggressive towards Mutes already. 650 BH Gull, many Herring Gull still but came in too late to count. Nice to see reedbed management (mechanised cutting) by NRW has started in Sailing Club Meadow fringe.
Added by Andrew King at 10/03/2017 20:39

06/03/2017 at spread eagle fishery

2 oyster catchers together on river at spread eagle. male goshawk at upper llangoed. male sparrow hawk hassling canaries again at home.
Added by L.M-A at 10/03/2017 05:04

09/03/2017 at River Wye

23 species, most notably 9 Mandarin duck (at least 2 pairs courting), Dipper (with nesting material), Kingfisher & 4 Stock Doves.
Added by Sean Wilcox at 09/03/2017 09:48

08/03/2017 at Llangorse

Seen from the hide, a pair of GCG in courtship display, all the usual moves but without the weed offering, even though they dived once.
Added by John Shrouder at 08/03/2017 14:52

07/03/2017 at South Brecs

At Talybont reservoir 5 Dabchick. At Llangasty it was nice to see a flock of 50+ Lapwing behind the Church, a pair of Gadwall, a small group of Long Tailed Tits, 2 Redwings and a Cetti In voice in the Lakeside wood.
Added by Gwil Griffiths at 07/03/2017 20:49

07/03/2017 at Mynydd Illtyd

Traeth Mawr 08.00 - 09.00am. 27 Snipe, 1 Jack Snipe, 2 male Reed Bunting (1 singing), 20+ Skylark mostly in pairs with limited song, Heron, 3 Mallard, Buzzard, 6 Red Kites, 2 roving male Stonechats and a pr in habitat. One bubbling Curlew heard out west. No Plovers.
Added by Andrew King at 07/03/2017 20:26

07/03/2017 at Llynfi, Cathedine.

Lesser Pecker drumming and singing from the trees along the banks of the Llynfi this morning.
Added by Steve Wilce at 07/03/2017 18:06

07/03/2017 at Llangors Lake

A Merlin flew past Llangasty. Five little Egrets were with the cattle. Flocks of 56 Lapwings at Llangors and 52 at Llangasty may have been the same birds. 44 Curlews in flooded Rushy Field/SCM, 1 or 2 Oystercatchers, 3 Pintails.
Added by Keith Noble at 07/03/2017 15:13

06/03/2017 at Brechfa Pool, Llandefalle Hill

A Goshawk flew over Llandefalle Hill. (I found no Golden Plovers there or on Llangoed Common). At Brechfa Pool 4 Curlews, 200+ Black-headed, 37 Lesser Black-backed and 1 Common Gulls.
Added by Keith Noble at 06/03/2017 16:58

02/03/2017 at Cefn Esgair-carnau

One only Snipe risen from muddy sheep track.
Added by Bob Griffiths at 03/03/2017 17:41

02/03/2017 at Llangasty

1 great white egret, three little egrets 2 great spotted woodpeckers drumming
Added by Jeremy Moore at 03/03/2017 14:57

01/03/2017 at Brecon / Brecfa Pool

A Little Egret was feeding on the Usk below the eastern bypass bridge at Brecon. At Brecfa Pool, 4 Teal, 7 Coot, 2 Moorhen, 15 Pied Wagtail, 1 Common Gull, 4 Herring Gull, 47 BH Gull, 78 LBB Gull and a Stonechat on the common.
Added by Mark Waldron at 01/03/2017 22:50

28/02/2017 at Llangorse lake

Totals of four Little and three Great Egrets, 41 Lapwings and 2 Curlews.
Added by Keith Noble at 28/02/2017 14:47

26/02/2017 at spread eagle fishery

still only one Oyster catcher but resident.
Added by L,M-Ames at 27/02/2017 13:50