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Displaying records 3376 to 3400 of 3463

25/02/2017 at Brecon

Buzzard "worming" on the grass centre of the roundabout at the east end of the Brecon bypass under street lights at 10.00 pm
Added by Nicholas Beswick at 26/02/2017 10:35

25/02/2017 at Llangasty

1 oystercatcher, 15 curlew, 1 little egret and 30 plus lapwing from carpark and chuchyard
Added by David Whitehead at 25/02/2017 16:28

25/02/2017 at Llangorse Lake

4 Shelduck together in the flooded field behind the sailing club meadow and 12 Mipit on the common.
Added by Mark Waldron at 25/02/2017 15:20

24/02/2017 at Brecon STW by blue trailer

Siberian Chiffchaff and 2 Common Chiffchaff all preening together on the same branch - very amicable. 110+ Pied Wagtail among the sheep towards Dorlangoch.
Added by Andrew King at 24/02/2017 20:43

24/02/2017 at Waun Hirwaun (SO050453)

50+ snipe in wet area north of road over from Erwood to Upper Chapel road. (SO050453)
Added by Simon Allen at 24/02/2017 20:04

24/02/2017 at Llangorse lake

44 Lapwings in Point Field, and 5 displaying in field above the ancient oaks. 15 Curlews at SCM. 3 Little and 1 Great Egrets.
Added by Keith Noble at 24/02/2017 19:56

22/02/2017 at Brecon canal in Brecon

Noisy and lively flock of Tree Sparrows in vegetation on non-towpath side of the Brecon canal, immediately adjacent to the Watton. About 400 meters town side of entrance to Derring Lines. [Check at 3pm found 25-30 House Sparrow only - nice flock though. Dorlangoch. VAK]
Added by Peter Seaman at 22/02/2017 12:48

21/02/2017 at Llangasty at dusk

Single Black-tailed Godwit with the Lapwing flock that Nicky reported earlier, and 2GWE & 3 Little Egrets. Also 3 male Pintail on the Church flood, and just one Snipe visible. Gull roost: 200 Herring Gull, 490 LBBGull, 1600 B-H Gulls and 2 Common Gulls.
Added by Andrew King at 21/02/2017 21:58

18/02/2017 at Sennybridge area

Over the weekend.............11 Jack Snipe (county record) & 85 C Snipe flushed, a Little Owl at a new site, pr Reed Bunting, 29 Red Kite soaring together pre-roost, Stonechat (3 & 1 at two sites).
Added by Andrew King at 21/02/2017 21:54

21/02/2017 at South Brecs

A grey, misty day with drizzle. Several Song Thrushes in good voice near Carn yr Arian - the Dipper at its nest near Ystradfellta. A flock of a dozen Chaffinches in Cwm Llia. At Pentre Naboth just west of Mynydd Illtyd, a flock of some 400 Chaffinches ground feeding in a field ( we failed to find any Brambling amongst these) - a Sparrow Hawk in close proximity. A singing Skylark on Mynydd Illtyd.
Added by Bob and Gwil Griffiths at 21/02/2017 17:10

21/02/2017 at Llangasty (Point Field) (SO135262)

78 Lapwing, 2 little egret, 2 curlew, 2 Reed bunting, 2 Pairs Great spotted woodpeckers drumming (3 birds seen) (SO135262)
Added by Nicky Davies at 21/02/2017 15:37

18/02/2017 at spread eagle fishery

solitary oyster catcher flew past calling. as an aside,loads of frogspawn on valentines day!
Added by LM-Ames at 20/02/2017 06:14

19/02/2017 at Llangorse Lake

Drake Scoter out in the middle. Other ducks included duck Scaup, 3 Pintails, 34 Goldeneye, 14 Goosanders and 6 Pochard. In Point Field behind Church 118 Lapwings, 21 Snipe and 4 Curlew. 2 Little and 1 Great Egrets, a pair of Stonechats and 2 Red-legged Partridges.
Added by Keith Noble at 19/02/2017 19:59

08/02/2017 at Forest Lodge / Twyn Dylluan-ddu / Mynydd Illtyd

A loop from Forest Lodge around the base of Twyn Dylluan-ddu added a couple of birds to my winter "Tarrell Valley" list with a fly over Peregrine and (at long last) a Woodcock! A couple of interesting flocks of birds with 20 Magpie together on a barn roof at Blaenclyn and 7 Bullfinch (4m3f) feeding on ash keys. Other highlisgs included 12 Redwing, 3 Nuthatch and singles of Treecreeper, GS Woodpecker and Jay. Coming back over Mynydd Illtyd 16 Golden Plover were back in their usual roost and a Reed Bunting was on gorse.
Added by Mark Waldron at 08/02/2017 21:54

08/02/2017 at near Bwlch (SO161205)

Barn Owl over A40 near Bwlch at about 6:15pm this evening (SO161205)
Added by Graham Motley at 08/02/2017 18:50

07/02/2017 at South Brecs

Near Ystradfellta we had a fascinating ten minutes watching a pair of Dippers collecting moss and carrying it into a cavity in a horizontal branch overhanging the river. A Sparrow Hawk working along the road by Plas y gors, Cwm Llia. At Cantref reservoir a Dabchick and a Dipper.
Added by Bob and Gwil Griffiths at 07/02/2017 19:10

07/02/2017 at Mynydd Illtyd

42 golden plover on hillock between bogs settling down for the night and 11 redpoll flitting from tree to tree. 1 stonechat and a wren. turning around by the south cattle grid the last field on the right held C.200 fieldfare, largest flock we have seen this winter.
Added by Peter & Barbara Jackson at 07/02/2017 17:35

07/02/2017 at Beacons Res.

GC Grebe back on the reservoir.
Added by Mark Waldron at 07/02/2017 12:37

06/02/2017 at Priory Groves (Brecon Cathedral) (SO045290)

5+ Brambling with 30 Chaffinch - upper path, about level with the last houses. 60 Linnet in the grazed-off field. Also in the wood - Goldfinch, Greenfinch, 30+ Coal Tit well exceeding Blue and Gt Tits, 4 LTTit, 6 Nuthatch, Treecreeper, 2 Goldcrests, Rooks. On the river - 1 fem Goosander, Dipper, 3 Grey Wagtails. Well worth a visit to see woodland birds well, and to hear their songs and calls already. (SO045290)
Added by Andrew King at 06/02/2017 14:49

05/02/2017 at Brecfa Pool

143 LBB Gull, 2 Herring Gull, 6 Coot, 2 Moorhen, 2 Mallard, 8 Teal and 3 Pied Wagtail.
Added by Mark Waldron at 05/02/2017 20:24

04/02/2017 at Llangorse hide and behind Llangasty church

Gosander, Shoveller, Tufted, Golden Eye, Coot, Gr Crested Grebe, Gadwall, Mute Swan. Gr White Egret, Teal, 34 Lapwing,Song Thrush, Cormorant, Very tame robin, Mute Swan, Canada Geese
Added by Ruth Allen at 05/02/2017 19:02

04/02/2017 at Epynt

Ring-tail Hen Harrier giving good views between 17:08 and 17:24. A handful of Golden Plover near Hen Harrier when I first picked it up at distance but I had to ignore those to follow the raptor. Earlier, the second visit this year (and the third this winter) to Fan Foel/Brycheiniog drew yet another blank on Snow Bunting. 5+ Skylark were moving around on the way up (one in brief song). Female Crossbill at Belfont/Glasfynydd.
Added by Gareth Rees at 04/02/2017 18:06

04/02/2017 at Llangasty

142+ Herring Gull in the roost this evening. The large gulls were very restless and never really settled for long making an accurate count difficult. 21 Lapwing were on the flooded field behind the church. Also 5 Pochard (4m1f).
Added by Mark Waldron at 04/02/2017 17:48

04/02/2017 at Buckland Wood

Short walk found 3 Brambling, 3 Chaffinch, Marsh Tit, Treecreeper, 2 Gt Tits, Dunnock & 2 Robins all in a small flock feeding under beeches. 6 Buzzard overhead.
Added by Andrew King at 04/02/2017 16:33

04/02/2017 at Brecon

About 20 Waxwings flew off north from Belle Vue this morning, 4.2.17
Added by Keith Noble at 04/02/2017 10:57