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Displaying records 3301 to 3325 of 3463

08/04/2017 at Taf Fechan Forest

Yellowhammer with stunning bright plumage.
Added by Susan Smith at 10/04/2017 19:40

10/04/2017 at Llandefalle Hill

At least 10 Wheatears in a loose flock on Llandefalle Hill, 10.4.17
Added by Keith Noble at 10/04/2017 15:04

09/04/2017 at Llangasty

Brief visit just as a large bank of cloud approached from NW. 4 calling Sandwich Terns arrived and did a circuit. Also 1000 hirundines, incl ca. 150 Swallow. Greylag Goose. Holly Blue at a couple of ivy sites today, and a fresh Speckled Wood.
Added by Andrew King at 09/04/2017 17:39

09/04/2017 at Llangynidr and Buckland Hill

Two Willow Warblers passing through the garden today and two Humming Bird Hawk Moths taking nectar. First time we've had these in this garden. On Buckland Hill after dawn, two Buzzards, poss Merlin. Many skylark and mipits, nuthatch and drumming GS Woodpecker and a single tree pipit. Finally the first two healthy Greenfinches we've seen here for about two years.
Added by M & W Evans at 09/04/2017 11:59

08/04/2017 at Bolgoed, Libanus

A walk around Bolgoed Libanus gave 4 male Redstart in song and territorial dispute and 4 Swallow wizzing around a barn. Also of note in song was a Willow Warbler, 4 Chiffchaff, 3 Nuthatch, a Green Woodpecker and a Redpoll.
Added by Mark Waldron at 08/04/2017 20:10

08/04/2017 at Llangasty

No sign this morning of the Bonaparte's Gull.
Added by Andrew King at 08/04/2017 10:34

08/04/2017 at Llanwrthwl

Common Redstart appeared overnight at Dinas Llanwrthwl. Tree Pipit below Penrhos in song was also a first this yr here for me. Willow Warblers have also appeared in numbers overnight. Linnet, displaying Redpoll and 4 pairs of Stonechat also seen.
Added by Steve Jones at 08/04/2017 09:34

08/04/2017 at Mynydd Illtud

Curlew and snipe displaying. Redstart singing, 4 willow warblers singing, swallow.
Added by Alan Salter at 08/04/2017 09:02

07/04/2017 at Llangorse Lake

Well done, Keith! Bonapartes Gull - a new species for Breconshire. The bird was still present on rocks at Llangasty Point until 16.50pm by which time it was making short flights over the lake. Also Oystercatchers, L Egret, pr Gadwall, Swallows and S Martins, 13 Teal, Blackcap, Chiffchaff.
Added by Andrew King at 07/04/2017 17:44

07/04/2017 at Llangorse Lake

BONAPARTE'S GULL, adult winter, like small Black-headed but flight more like a Little Gull or tern. Light underwing, small black bill. Photos in Gallery.
Added by Keith Noble at 07/04/2017 13:08

06/04/2017 at Tirabad

Pair of Swallows flying around the village this afternoon - the first this year .
Added by Nigel Starnes at 06/04/2017 21:32

05/04/2017 at Llangasty Langors lake

Pair of teal, pair of plovers on spit,heron,coot,lapwing,moorhen,white throat,chiff chaff
Added by Christopher & Julie at 06/04/2017 16:15

05/04/2017 at Brechfa Pool to Llandefalle Hill

Golden Plovers, about 80 on Mynydd Fforest and 48 over Llandefalle Hill. At Brechfa Pool 16 Teal, 6 Coots, a Curlew and singing Willow Warbler.
Added by Keith Noble at 05/04/2017 13:37

05/04/2017 at Llangors Lake.

Beds around the new hide holding many calling and singing Reed Warblers first thing this morning.
Added by Steve Wilce at 05/04/2017 13:11

04/04/2017 at Beacons & Cantref reservoirs

At the Beacons Res, a pair of Goosander, a pair of G.C.G. displaying, two male and one female Mallard, Eight Canada Geese & a perched Buzzard. At Cantref, three female Goosander and a single G.C.G. Also a pair of soaring Buzzard and a pair of Kites. A Kestrel on the A4059.
Added by Bob Griffiths at 05/04/2017 09:30

03/04/2017 at Llysdinam estate

Male Pied flycatcher heard calling on arrival at 11pm on 3rd April and 3 males seen 4th April
Added by Jez Smith at 05/04/2017 08:32

04/04/2017 at Llangorse Lake

A Little Ringed Plover on the Point, one Little and one |Great Egret, a Curlew and a few Lapwings both ends of the Lake, Oystercatcher pair, female Pintail, singing Blackcaps and Chiffchaffs. About 50 Sand Martins at Lake and single Swallows at Brynich and Pennorth.
Added by Keith Noble at 04/04/2017 17:41

03/04/2017 at Llanfair / Builth

Gwalch Glas / Sparrow Hawk A single male going after the jackdaws
Added by Simon Allen at 03/04/2017 17:50

03/04/2017 at Llyswen & Abernant, Gwy.

Gwennol/Swallow A single bird at both locations
Added by Simon Allen at 03/04/2017 17:48

01/04/2017 at Llanwrthwl

Willow Warbler singing at Dolafallen old chicken sheds - about as far north in the county as you can get. A steady stream of Swallows north up the Wye all day.
Added by Steve Jones at 03/04/2017 10:16

03/04/2017 at Near Beulah

Update: The are now 2 male Pied Flycatchers vying for the same box, with at least one of them going in and out.
Added by Andrew Dally at 03/04/2017 09:03

02/04/2017 at Near Beulah

Male Pied Flycatcher close to bird box in garden. Don't think I've had one this early before. Pair of Yellowhammer visiting feeding station regularly over last 7 days, with male singing on occasion.
Added by Andrew Dally at 02/04/2017 17:04

01/04/2017 at Llwyniago, Libanus, Brecon

Swallows!! 5 flew over Libanus about 5 o clock, then one sat on wire, 10 feet from house for a while, flew off, then did a fly by past the entrance to shed adjoining house, then back around, into the shed and didn't come out!
Added by Pat Evans at 01/04/2017 18:17

31/03/2017 at Llanwrthwl

Blackcap singing in the village this morning was my first here this year. An overnight influx of Chiffchaff also.
Added by Steve Jones at 31/03/2017 08:40

31/03/2017 at Cantref Res.

Osprey hunting at Cantref Res. at 8:50 with a possible second perched on the trees on the far bank.
Added by Mark Waldron at 31/03/2017 08:02