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Displaying records 3401 to 3425 of 3463

03/02/2017 at Crickhowell

13 Waxwing have been reported today in Crickhowell by Thomas Winstone via the welshbirders Twitter feed.
Added by Mark Waldron at 03/02/2017 16:34

01/02/2017 at Llangasty church

Mid-afternoon, about 50 Lapwing. Joined by a single GWE which kept its distance amongst the reeds.
Added by John Shrouder at 01/02/2017 17:03

01/02/2017 at Mynydd Illtyd

A single Sklyark was at the trig point and a male Stonechat was near the moutain centre. 30 Fieldfare and 175 Starling were feeding on the common with 300 Starling and 100 Jackdaw feeding below at Blaenrheon Farm. 3+ Red Kite.
Added by Mark Waldron at 01/02/2017 15:44

01/02/2017 at Brecon STW

Siberian with 2 'common' Chiffchaffs in trees along the lane with lots of Goldcrests, L-t'd Tits etc.
Added by Keith Noble at 01/02/2017 13:47

30/01/2017 at Brecon

Big Garden Birdwatch this morning: 8 Goldfinch, 6 Greenfinch, 5 Chaffinch, Sparrow, 3 Blackbird, Dunnock, Jackdaw, 2 Great Tit, Blue Tit, Robin, Siskin, L-t'd Tit, single Wood Pigeon, Coal Tit, Wren, Song Thrush.
Added by Keith Noble at 30/01/2017 13:50

29/01/2017 at Spread eagle fishery

Solitary Greylag in with all the canadas opposite house. 100 plus canadas, 30 swans every day since before Christmas.
Added by LM-Ames at 30/01/2017 10:57

29/01/2017 at Llanwrthwl

10 Reed Buntings in a scrubby young birch plantation were a suprise, a couple of Fieldfare, a few Meadow Pipits and a single singing Goldcrest on a walk towards Gamrhiw this morning. The garden bird watch produced 13 species (c50 birds), including 2 Greenfinch and 13 Siskin. No Redpoll for the first time in a few years.
Added by Steve Jones at 29/01/2017 12:14

28/01/2017 at Llangorse Lake

An impressive 105 Herring Gull were in the roost this evening as well as 2 GBB and singles of YL and Common. A female Scaup was feeding alone off Llangasty. A Green Sandpiper flew along the edge of the north shore and a Snipe was on the point. 3 GW Egret and 2 Little Egret were seen together. 103 Cormorant were in the roost.
Added by Mark Waldron at 28/01/2017 18:02

27/01/2017 at Brecon

Qty 10 x Waxwings in the Island Fields off Scout Lane end. Time 0930Hrs.
Added by Brenda Gammons at 28/01/2017 08:49

28/01/2017 at My garden

RSPB big garden birdwatch with my brother and dad. We saw 22 House Sparrow, 8 Starling, 2 Blue Tit, 1 Coal Tit, 2 Dunnock, 2 Robin, 1 Wren, 1 Blackbird, 2 Magpie, 2 Jackdaw and a Rook. Also a Mistle Thrust and a Collarded Dove flew past.
Added by Chloe Waldron at 28/01/2017 12:25

27/01/2017 at Taf Fechan Reservoirs

Pentwyn Res'r - 2 Heron, 13 Goldeneye and an early-return Gt Cr Grebe. Pontsticill Res'r at dusk - 3400 Herring Gull, 3 LBBGull and 15 BH Gulls to roost. Single Cormorant. 3 Gt Cr grebe there was a surprise.
Added by Andrew King at 27/01/2017 21:27

27/01/2017 at Buckland Hill

A flock of mixed chaffinch and Bramblings still around the hill.
Added by David Whitehead at 27/01/2017 18:22

23/01/2017 at Mynydd Penyfal & Llangenny

Bright sun brought out 32 species, and a few songsters. Best were 60 Linnet in a weedy fodder beet field, Green Woodpecker, 4 LTTits, 2 Goldcrest, pr Dipper, 4 Siskin and a male Yellowhammer. 20 Rook back in a rookery.
Added by Andrew King at 23/01/2017 21:27

23/01/2017 at Tirabad

Two Woodcock in Cynghordy road just outside Tirabad at 07:30 this morning .
Added by Nigel Starnes at 23/01/2017 21:15

21/01/2017 at Cwm Gwdi / Held Wood

My winter Tarrell Valley list has climbed by two species to 61 this week after a Tawny Owl near Libanus a few days back and then 2 Snipe which flushed from a spring on the otherwise frozen banks of Cwm Gwdi (these Snipe are actually my 100th species in the valley which is fairly respectable seeing as there is no large open water habitat). Also around Cwm Gwdi were 1 Redpoll, 2 Siskin, 3 Goldfinch, 2 Bullfinch, 2 Goldcrest, 1 Coal Tit, 4 Blue Tit, 6 Robin, 1 Wren, 4 Blackbird, 1 Wood Pigeon, 3 Crow, 1 Magpie and a Raven. A little better at Held Wood with 3 Treecreeper, 3 Nuthatch, 1 GS Woodpecker, 1 Goldcrest, 2 Bulfinch, 4 Coal Tit, 7 LT Tit, 8 Great Tit, 3 Blue Tit, 1 Marsh Tit, 9 Blackbird, 1 Wren, 2 Robin, 7 Jackdaw, 2 Crow and a Buzzard. I've set myself a target of 65 species in the valley this winter so with Andrew's post below in mind I hope those Crossbill are heading my way - anyone fancy flushing some Waxwing over the Usk for me?
Added by Mark Waldron at 21/01/2017 22:37

21/01/2017 at Illtyd & Llangasty

4 male Crossbills flew over Traeth Mawr this am - first I have seen anywhere this winter due to failure of Spruce seeding. At dusk tonight 16000 Starlings roosted in reeds by Llangasty hide, but no murmurations even with the interest of 3 fem Sparrowhawks.
Added by Andrew King at 21/01/2017 18:46

21/01/2017 at Ambulance station above Brecon Hospital.

27 Waxwing this morning trying to feed on 2 Rowen trees but continuously chased away by a Mistle thrush.
Added by David Parsons at 21/01/2017 13:50

21/01/2017 at Llangynidr (SO152202)

On way to post office spotted Four or five waxwings feeding on berries in bush overhanging garden wall by barriers to Llangynidr bridge about 12:30pm today, Saturday - they were a bit unsettled due to house owner being in garden and didn't stay long flying off over Sardis chapel (SO152202)
Added by Graham Motley at 21/01/2017 11:40

20/01/2017 at Brecon

I saw a wonderful flock of around 30 waxwings in the riverside trees in the fields just south of Llanfaes Bridge, Brecon yesterday. They stayed around for 30 minutes or so and flew off.
Added by Ruth Lloyd at 21/01/2017 07:48

20/01/2017 at Talybont Reservoir

Great grey shrike in car park halfway up, really close views on hawthorn bushs by roadside but kept flying to tallest spruces on waters egde. Plus 25+ little grebe 17 goldeneye and 6 goosander.
Added by David Whitehead at 20/01/2017 15:18

19/01/2017 at Brecon

FINALLY on 4th attempt I too have seen the Waxwings (30). Searched from 1.30pm hosptial, driving centre etc and finally located them at 2.30pm by Infant school Bellevue area. Very flighty briefly settled in tree then off in direction of Cathedral/Priory Groves. In vicinity of driving centre 12 Blackbirds, 8 Bullfinches and 6 Redwing feeding together on berries.
Added by Shelley Evans at 19/01/2017 18:02

19/01/2017 at Brecon

Thirty Waxwings at the driving centre this morning in very cold misty conditions. Then flew off towards centre of town. Not seen again!
Added by Steve Wilce at 19/01/2017 16:55

18/01/2017 at Mynydd Illtyd (SN963260)

Green sandpiper by Camlais Fach near road bridge just to north of Traeth Mawr. Female stonechat nearby. c. 20 cormorants flying in formation west over Glangwyney earlier in morning. (SN963260)
Added by Graham Motley at 18/01/2017 20:27

18/01/2017 at Mynydd Illtyd / Brecon

WeBs count on Mynydd Illtyd today gave a good count of 77 Snipe, 3 Grey Heron and a Water Rail. Also of note around the count area were 3 Mipit, 1 Reed Bunting and a Grey Wagtail. Down to Brecon afterwards to look for Keith's Chiffchaff's. The Siberian was showing well feeding among the rosehips at the far end of the sewage works lane and a single "common" gave a good comparison. No calls heard. Also 2-3 Mipit and loads of Goldcrests. Finally the 33 Waxwing were feeding on a rowan near the driving test centre before flying off toward the barracks.
Added by Mark Waldron at 18/01/2017 16:34

18/01/2017 at Brecon

Waxwings 33 below Hospital by 3.00, 18.1.17
Added by Keith Noble at 18/01/2017 16:32