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Displaying records 3226 to 3250 of 3463

16/05/2017 at Cwmyoy

2 x Ospreys
Added by Helen Short at 17/05/2017 12:46

16/05/2017 at Llangorse Lake

Grey Plover still present to 8:45 (well done Andrew!) Also a late drake Wigeon. 21 LBB Gull dropped into the lake before heading off. Cuckoo calling from "South Africa".
Added by Mark Waldron at 16/05/2017 20:43

16/05/2017 at Llangasty

Grey Plover starting to acquire s/p on the Point, 70 Swift overhead, 2 prs Tufted Duck and a male Gadwall on guard. No terns.
Added by Andrew King at 16/05/2017 16:20

12/05/2017 at Coed Carno, Tarrell Valley

Yesterday a walk around Coed Carno gave some good birds the highlight being a Tawny Owl that gave me the eyeball before silently drifting off into the wood (not the same bird as I've posted in the gallery). I've struggled to find Tawny Owl in the Tarrell Valley but this spring I've found birds in 4 different locations. Also around the wood were territories/singing males of 1 Spotted Flycatcher, 5 Pied Flycatcher (1 FF), 10 Willow Warbler, 6 Chiffchaff, 9 Blackcap, 3 Goldcrest, 3 Redstart, 1 Tree Pipit, 2 Nuthatch (both FF), 2 Treecreeper (1 FF) and a calling male Cuckoo. Also feeding young still in the nest were LT Tit, Great Tit, Song Thrush as well as a newly fledged Robin. 25 species seen.
Added by Mark Waldron at 13/05/2017 12:14

13/05/2017 at Llangorse Lake

In a quick look at Llangasty 2 SP Dunlin on the point.
Added by Mark Waldron at 13/05/2017 11:08

12/05/2017 at Brecon Beacons

A walk around the CCG area 16:30 - 19:30 produced Spotted Flycatcher, Redstart, Raven, Chiffchaff, Meadow Pipits, Redpoll (male), Stonechat, Skylark, Blackbird, Wren & Chaffinch
Added by Andy Phillips at 13/05/2017 08:31

12/05/2017 at Llangorse lake/Talybont Res.

Nice range of waders. At Llangorse Common - 10 Lapwing, singles of Greenshank and Oystercatcher. At Talybont Res, 2 Common Sandpiper, and single Little Ringed and Ringed Plover. I thought there was something odd about the Ringed Plover, and realised its left leg had a metal ring, and the right leg a yellow 'flag' above the knee with what appeared to be 3 letters/numbers but distance beat me, even with the 'scope.
Added by Andrew King at 12/05/2017 16:28

11/05/2017 at Brecon

31 species around Brecon Golf Club including a Garden Warbler, 4 Spotted Flycatcher, 3 Blackcap in song, 5 Chiffchaff, 1 Willow Warbler and 3 Bullfinch. A pair Goldcrest were feeding 3+ young still in the nest as were House Sparrow, Blackbird, Song Thrush and LT Tit that had newly fledged young in the riverside trees.
Added by Mark Waldron at 11/05/2017 16:00

10/05/2017 at Llangorse Lake / Libanus

SP Dunlin and a Ringed Plover at Llangasty. Near Libanus 80+ LBB Gull, 6 Red Kite and 4 Buzzard were feefing in plough.
Added by Mark Waldron at 10/05/2017 16:18

09/05/2017 at South Brecs

In Cwm Llia we came across a family of 4 or 5 fully fledged Stonechats with one parent bird. Nearby a Whinchat and several Wheatears. In the Senni Valley some Cuckoos were calling with a bubbling female nearby. Green woodpeckers were calling and we caught glimpse of the Pied Flycatchers. Several Redstarts
Added by Bob and Gwil Griffiths at 09/05/2017 18:28

08/05/2017 at Llewel

My first Spotted Flycatcher of the year this morning at Llewel. Wood Warbler at Halfway. 12 Garden Warbler males singing at 7 sites west of Sennybridge (A40 corridor) although for the second year running they seem to be very absent at usual sites in the village itself.
Added by Gareth Rees at 08/05/2017 14:58

08/05/2017 at Brechfa Pool & Llandefalle Hill

One Whimbrel and two Curlews, 2 Coot chicks and lots of Black-headed Gull activity at Brechfa Pool. A pair of Curlews chased a Crow on Llandefalle Hill, with one or two more present.
Added by Keith Noble at 08/05/2017 15:00

07/05/2017 at Glasbury

Greenshank - one on the River Wye this evening, west of Glasbury
Added by Steve Preddy at 07/05/2017 19:47

07/05/2017 at Crai reservoir

2 Little Egrets at the south end of Crai reservoir this afternoon. A long time has elapsed since my last record there of a single on the 27th July 2002.
Added by Gareth Rees at 07/05/2017 18:58

07/05/2017 at Llangorse lake

and a Sanderling on the Point
Added by Keith Noble at 07/05/2017 18:36

07/05/2017 at Llangorse Lake

Black Swan back at Llangasty. SP Greenshank and White Wagtail at sailing club meadow.
Added by Mark Waldron at 07/05/2017 16:12

06/05/2017 at Sennybridge

The Swifts appear to be really pleased to be be back as a scream was heard at 23:40 as I passed one of the houses in the village that usually holds a pair. Either that or they are confused by the new "floodlight" type street lighting that now dominates the village.
Added by Gareth Rees at 06/05/2017 23:30

06/05/2017 at Brecfa Pool

87 BH Gull, a 1st S Common Gull, a 2nd S Herring Gull and a Cuckoo calling from the common. Yesterday a pair of Grey Wagtail were collecting food at Brecon Theatre.
Added by Mark Waldron at 06/05/2017 20:54

06/05/2017 at Mynydd Llangatwg (SO203145)

Four Golden Plovers on summit of mountain. A few Swallows and House Martins over. (SO203145)
Added by Nicholas Beswick at 06/05/2017 17:26

06/05/2017 at Sennybridge

Encouraging numbers of Swift in display flock above village early afternoon. Max count was 22.
Added by Gareth Rees at 06/05/2017 15:35

05/05/2017 at Brecon Beacons

Walking from Storey Arms to Fan Fawr, across to CGG, down to the youth hostel and back along the old road gave only 27 species. 19 Skylark, 21 meadow Pipit, 16 Wheatear, 6 Stonechat, 1 Whinchat, 6 Redstart, 9 Willow Warbler, 2 Chifchaff, 2 Blackcap, 1 Pied Flycatcher, a calling Cuckoo and 5 Swift heading north.
Added by Mark Waldron at 05/05/2017 22:15

05/05/2017 at Llangorse lake

About 60 Swifts over the Lake at 10.00, and others over Pennorth and Brecon .
Added by Keith Noble at 05/05/2017 18:48

04/05/2017 at Daudreath Nature Reserve

Tawny Owl feeding on marsh in daylight 20.30pm 4 snipe displaying and drumming. Cuckoo calling. 2 lesser redpoll.
Added by Alan Salter at 05/05/2017 14:47

04/05/2017 at Llanwrthwl

The Swifts that nest under the eaves arrived back right on cue yesterday (2.05pm). A couple of birds passed through on the 2nd, but 'my' birds arrive with their screaming calls circling the house - different behaviour. By evening 5 were back and this morning one flew out from the nest site.
Added by Steven Jones at 05/05/2017 07:02

04/05/2017 at Libanus

3 Swift and 3 House Martin at Libanus this evening.
Added by Mark Waldron at 04/05/2017 21:22