Sighting - 15/01/2017 at Glasbury to Hay (vicinity of U...

15/01/2017 at Glasbury to Hay (vicinity of Upper Sheephouse)

Although Canada Geese regularly fly upriver at Glasbury they seem to have foresaken the usual spot at Fford Fawr in recent months. So set out to track them down: Found 160 Canadas plus 38 Mute Swan in fields between R Wye and Upper Sheephouse between Glasbury and Hay. No sign of Whooper or Bewick though hedgrows made some difficult to see and probably worth keeping an eye out in case. Man with shotgun heading for the flock fired into the air and all took off but Canadas resettled a couple of fields away with Swans scattering many taking to the river.

Added by Shelley Evans at 15/01/2017 18:00

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