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Displaying records 226 to 250 of 3461

26/01/2024 at Llangorse Lake

Three Chiffchaffs were flycatching with two Goldcrests in the big broken Ash by the Llynfi bridge off Llangorse Common. Also at the Lake, 13 Goosander on SCM flood, three Great White Egrets, a young Peregrine, a Scaup and five Stonechats
Added by Keith Noble at 26/01/2024 19:21

26/01/2024 at Usk Reservoir

A late morning walk around the reservoir gave 6 Mallard and a GBB Gull on the water and 2 Pied Wagtail on the shore. The woodlands produced a flushed Woodcock, a calling Willow Tit, which frustratingly remained unseen! 3 Goldfinch, 10 Robin. Several Blackbird and a Fieldfare were feeding on Hawthorn berries. A group of 7 Crossbill were perched in exposed Silver Birch trees on the south west corner, before taking flight to the conifer wood on the opposite shore. Raptors seen were singles of C. Buzzard, Red Kite, Peregrine and a hovering Kestrel with 2 Raven also present.
Added by Nick Morgan at 26/01/2024 16:03

25/01/2024 at Glanusk Park Bridge (SO193199)

2 pairs Mandarin 2 male 3 female Goosander (another 2 females further upstream) 1 Kingfisher several dippers inc. at least 3 pairs, 2 of which having boundary dispute fllock of Redpolls, 2 more flocks further upstream (between 10 & 30 birds in each) pair Jays, with another single & pair further upstream (SO193199)
Added by Mike Moxon at 25/01/2024 17:38

24/01/2024 at Gull roost counts

National UK Winter Gull Survey (BTO) - a survey last carried out 20yrs ago so should provide useful data considering Red Listing & Avian Flu situations. Main roosts at Llangorse Lake & Pontsticill Reservoir were selected. The last fortnight (required count period) have been difficult with icing, two storms, etc so count options limited and less than ideal. Here are the figures that will be submitted: LL = 2070 Lesser Bl-backed, 1068 Bl-h Gulls, 422 Herring Gulls, 15 Common Gull, 2 Gt Bl-b Gulls............and for Pontsticill its 2157 Herring Gull, 22 Lesser BBG, 4 Great BBG. Thanks to Keith Noble for helping out. Others will need to step forward in 2044!
Added by Andrew King at 25/01/2024 11:28

24/01/2024 at Lower Llangynidr

On the feeders in our garden. GSp Woodpecker 1m 1f, Nuthatch 2, Siskin 5, Greenfinch 3, Chaffinch 6, Goldfinch c18, Blue Tit c15, Gt Tit 7, Coal Tit 2, Marsh Tit 1, LT Tits two separate groups 13 & 7 the smaller flock having a Goldcrest in tow. Siskin c5, Robin 3, Blackbird c12 first thing in the morning, Song Thrush 1, Mistle Thrush 1, Redwing 3, H Sparrow c40, Starling c50, Collared Dove 2, Wood Pigeon c10. Overhead R Kite 3, Buzzard 1, Sparrowhawk 1m 1f. In the area of Llangynidr Bridge the Dippers are singing regularly and have refurbished at least two old nests. The shy Mandarin pair on the river appear to have moved on, whilst the long staying Drake is very confiding and remains on the canal near the locks.
Added by M&w Evans at 24/01/2024 12:42

20/01/2024 at Buckland Hill and Llangorse Lake

A walk around Buckland Hill produced a Marsh Tit. Late afternoon visit to Llangorse Lake more productive with a Jack Snipe in Ty Mawr meadows, Woodcock flypast in front of the hide, a few Water Rail and Cetti’s calling, GW Egret and a lovely Barn Owl watched at close range catching an unfortunate vole then flying into a tree with it, dropping it from its beak and neatly catching it with the talons in flight.
Added by Chris Dyson at 20/01/2024 19:49

20/01/2024 at Brecon Town campuses & Leisure Centre

No sign of Waxwing(s) this morning here.
Added by Andrew King at 20/01/2024 10:40

19/01/2024 at Brecon

A Waxwing was seen and described well at the Brecon College complex opposite the leisure centre at lunch time today. It was only seen perched at the top of a bush, not feeding, and soon flew off, but it may well turn up again somewhere around town.
Added by Mark Waldron at 19/01/2024 14:59

17/01/2024 at Wye between Boughrood and Llanstephen bridges

13 Mandarin, 2 Little Grebe, 42 Mallard, pair Goosander, 31 Canada Geese, Kingfisher, 2 Grey Wagtail, 4 Dipper including one in song, 21 Blackbird.
Added by Mark Waldron at 17/01/2024 18:47

16/01/2024 at Pennorth (SO123249)

Record of a Waxwing yesterday at SO123249 along the Allt path via BIS WiReD. (SO123249)
Added by Mark Waldron at 17/01/2024 18:39

17/01/2024 at Llangorse Lake

WeBS count a/m. 20% of flood & lake frozen. 2 L Grebe, 22 GC Grebe, 5 L Egret, 5 GW Egret, 47 Mute Swan, 145 C Geese, 592 Wigeon, 38 Gadwall, 172 Teal, 187 Mallard, 26 Shoveler, 19 Pintail, (Tufted Duck - n/c, too cold!), 4m Pochard, 28+ Goldeneye including display, 30 Goosander, 15 Moorhen, 448 Coot.
Added by Andrew King at 17/01/2024 13:58

16/01/2024 at Mynydd Illtyd

40 Skylark were in a sheep field next to Mynydd Illtyd.
Added by Mark Waldron at 16/01/2024 20:23

16/01/2024 at Glasbury river Wye - Fford Fawr

WeBs Count this morning lowest duck count in a decade - all pools birdless & largely covered in ice. 14 Mallard, 7 Teal, 6 Grey Heron, 4 Cormorant, 3 Goosander and 1 Little Egret. Best by far good views of overhead Peregrine. Other birds: c200 Jackdaw, mixed flock 75 Starling, 40 Redwing and 35 Fieldfare plus 4 Pieds & 1 Grey Wagtail.
Added by Shelley Evans at 16/01/2024 15:19

15/01/2024 at Breconshire

Breconshre Birds 2022 reports now on sale at BBNP Visitor Centre on Mynydd Illtyd and at Talgarth TIC on The Square. Full list ot outlets on Home Page.
Added by Andrew King at 15/01/2024 08:53

14/01/2024 at Mynydd Illtyd / Bailihelig reservoir

WeBs count gave 62 Snipe & 98 Golden Plover inside the count area, also a Meadow Pipit and 2 Fieldfare. 20 Teal at Bailihelig Reservoir was a very good count for that location.
Added by Mark Waldron at 14/01/2024 21:25

14/01/2024 at Llangynidr

Very flighty pair of Mandarin on river at Llangynidr - possibly different to the 'tame' male that has been hanging around on canal near the village for a few years, which seems to have moved elsewhere, but it has occasionally disappeared for long periods previously. Great-spotted woodpecker drumming this morning.
Added by Graham Motley at 14/01/2024 14:05

13/01/2024 at Scethrog near junction with Pennorth road

Barn Owl on roadside then flew off
Added by Peter Seaman at 13/01/2024 21:58

13/01/2024 at Usk Reservoir / Maesmerddyn

Green Sandpiper & Grey Wagtail on the spillway. Around the woodland 13 Crossbill, a feeding group of 4 Willow Tit with a 5th bird calling near the old hide. 8 Bullfinch. Just 3 Canada, 2 Mallard & 4 Cormorant on the water. Later at Maesmerddyn, 4 Skylark, 2 Meadow Pipit, calling Green Woodpecker, 8 Stock Dove, 25 Fieldfare and 1,000 Starling that flew over at dusk presumably to roost in a conifer block on the Epynt range.
Added by Mark Waldron at 13/01/2024 20:44

13/01/2024 at Brechfa Pool (SO119377)

one very confiding Golden plover ( possibly unwell ) on the shore line at Brechfa pool, Approximately mixed flock of 300 Redwing and Fieldfare near Bronllys (SO119377)
Added by Mark Spirito at 13/01/2024 18:11

12/01/2024 at Libanus

Mixed feeding flock on weedy field by A470 with 100 Linnet, 80 Chaffinch, 50 Goldfinch, 9 Bullfinch, 9 Pied Wagtail, 2 Grey Heron, and single Meadow Pipit and Stonechat.
Added by Mark Waldron at 12/01/2024 18:38

11/01/2024 at Dyffryn Crawnon (SO092158)

5 crossbills at head of Dyffryn Crawnon (SO092158)
Added by Graham Motley at 12/01/2024 11:26

11/01/2024 at Coed Carno

2 Woodcock flushed along the main path, also a calling Marsh Tit.
Added by Mark Waldron at 11/01/2024 22:00

11/01/2024 at Talbont forest/Tor y Foel (SO109193)

circa 12 common crossbills in forestry immediately west of road/ Tor Y Foel. (SO109193)
Added by Stuart Reid at 11/01/2024 18:15

10/01/2024 at Pennorth

27 Lapwing feeding at Llanhamlach, and a Kestrel along the lane just path Pennorth.
Added by Mark Waldron at 10/01/2024 20:17