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Displaying records 276 to 300 of 3463

17/12/2023 at Brecon, River Usk

Between Scout Lane and STW, single Kingfisher and Little Egret, two Herons and Little Grebes. At STW a Chiffchaff and Goldcrests in the hedge and ten Grey Wagtails together on one filter bed.
Added by Keith Noble at 17/12/2023 14:15

17/12/2023 at River Usk, Brecon town bridge to Fenni Fach

WeBS count this morning, 39 Mallard, 3 Little Grebe, 4 Goosander, with singles of Kingfisher, Grey Heron , Grey Wagtail and Dipper. On the outward walk, a mixed flock of c70 Siskin and 10 Goldfinch were moving along the riverside alder at the western edge of the Promenade playing fields, and during the return walk a Lesser Redpoll was present in the same area with c20 Siskin. Also among a 38 species total were 2 Goldcrest, 8 Long Tailed Tit, 2 Song Thrush, 1 Treecreeper, 1 GS Woodpecker, 1 Nuthatch and 1 Jay.
Added by Nick Morgan at 17/12/2023 12:48

16/12/2023 at Talybont Reservoir

Great Northern Diver at south end, but closer to far shore and hard to see against rippled water on the few moments I saw it surfaced. Also 89 Teal, 19 Wigeon, single Goosander and Little Grebe, 25 Snipe and a Dunlin.
Added by Keith Noble at 16/12/2023 18:45

16/12/2023 at Glasbury Fford Fawr

WeBS count this morning: 75 Teal, 40 Mallard, 25 Wigeon, 22 Canada Goose, 10 Grey Heron, 5 Cormorant, 3 Little Egret and 3 Mandarin. Best was overhead Peregrine sighted several times sending up flocks of duck.
Added by Shelley Evans at 16/12/2023 15:27

13/12/2023 at Talybont Reservoir

GN Diver still, third of the way up reservoir from south end.
Added by Mark Waldron at 13/12/2023 11:39

12/12/2023 at adjacent to canal, near Brynich aqueduct

Goshawk. pursuing wood pigeons by the canal close to the aqueduct at Brynich, Brecon.
Added by Peter Seaman at 13/12/2023 09:49

11/12/2023 at Yr Allt & Maesmerddyn, S/Bridge

Some sun today; 2 walks in the Sennybridge area. Yr Allt only gave 12 species, best were 2 Lesser Redpoll and Sparrowhawk. Maesmerddyn only gave 10 species including 4 Mipits, Sparrowhawk, Kestrel, distant Green Woodpecker heard from Bran valley and probably 4 Short-eared Owls. Two at the N end (Molinia/Juncus) and two hunting by the car (Molinia/Bracken) when I got back at 3.10pm. Sites only 2km apart but I believe all were separate birds as i never saw them overtake me.
Added by Andrew King at 11/12/2023 19:14

09/12/2023 at Talybont Reservoir

The juvenile Great Northern Diver was still present this morning. Although, during two hours of observation from the hide, it only showed briefly on two occasions, at distance in the wind and rain. Also seen were 6 Little Grebe, 48 Mallard, 25 Teal, 2 Canada, 2 GBB Gull, 6 Cormorant, 1 Grey Heron, 1 Goosander. Similar numbers of Starling and Chaffinch as seen by MW last week, with a male Goshawk appearing once - flying low, mid water, North to South, similar to AK's sighting yesterday.
Added by Nick Morgan at 09/12/2023 12:49

09/12/2023 at Brecon

Falconers Harris Hawk, successfully retrieved this morning from the grounds of Christ College Brecon.
Added by Mark Spirito at 09/12/2023 12:36

08/12/2023 at Talybont Reservoir (south hide)

Better viewing today with the wind back in the SW and calmer water surface - Gt Northern Diver at south end seen well from the hide. Apart from 2 Cormorant, 1 L Egret, 2 Herons, 28 Snipe and 21 L Grebe, duck numbers well down since Mark's visit on Sunday - just 30 Teal. Then the explanation - male Goshawk flew low/took interest in them and kept them on edge for the whole hour I was present. Kingfisher moved between each of the three concrete wall structures took 5+ minnows and small fish from the pools by them.
Added by Andrew King at 08/12/2023 14:17

02/12/2023 at River Usk, Brecon

Walked down river from Christ College last Saturday - two kingfisher together, two little grebe, 2 male & 1 female goosander were highlights, lots of redwing and fieldfares feeding in woodland and in sunny spots after the hard overnight frost. A few siskin and goldfinch feeding in riverside alders.
Added by Graham Motley at 07/12/2023 09:38

05/12/2023 at Scethrog

Although not my favourite birds, the Canada geese overflying Scethrog in very large flocks about 8am every morning are impressive. They are en route from the lake south towards either the grazings in the Usk valley here or further on to Talybont reservoir.
Added by Peter Seaman at 05/12/2023 08:58

04/12/2023 at Talybont Res

Great Northern Diver was present at Talybont Res at 9.00 a.m, but slightly further down from the south end, ( sorry Andy ) although tricky to observe, at least 30 common snipe, 8 pintail, 6m 2 f, 12 Little Grebe, however everything was flushed by a group of people that decided to walk out to the mud ?
Added by Mark Spirito at 04/12/2023 15:33

04/12/2023 at Talybont Reservoir

No sign of G-N Diver at 12.30pm but poor visibility for viewing. Most sp that Mark had yesterday are otherwise still there, main changes being just 1 male Pintail seen, 2 GBBGulls, 32+ Snipe flushed off the marsh by something unseen. 8 Meadow Pipit with ca 100 Chaffinch.
Added by Andrew King at 04/12/2023 15:11

03/12/2023 at Talybont Reservoir

A juv Great Northern Diver was roaming the southern end of Talybont Reservoir this afternoon. Also12 Pintail, 98 Teal, 119 Wigeon, 8 Tufted, 1 Shoveler, 1 Goldeneye, 70 Mallard, 19 Little Grebe, 2 Great Creasted Grebe, 2 Cormorant, 5 Canada Geese, 2 Little Egret, 1 Grey Heron, 1 Great Black-backed Gull, 4 Snipe feeding in the open, 138 Chaffinch & 85 Starling feeding on the marsh, a Marsh Tit calling by the hide and Crossbills could be heard calling from the eastern side.
Added by Mark Waldron at 03/12/2023 16:10

01/12/2023 at Cefn Moel

Several stonechat, mipit, raven.
Added by Susanne Daum at 02/12/2023 18:20

01/12/2023 at usk reservoir

On a walk around Usk reservoir today there were 50+ crossbill in numerous flocks nearly all the way around. One buzzard and 3 raven. 12 teal and 6 mallard as a final duck count. NO bullfinches for us ! But 4 redwing and about 10 robins, plus 6 blackbirds. 6 long tailed tits and a goldcrest.
Added by peter jackson at 01/12/2023 18:22

01/12/2023 at Battle Forest

One woodcock flushed at Battle forest from an area of old clear fell, plus still approx 20 crosbill.
Added by peter jackson at 01/12/2023 18:18

30/11/2023 at Llangorse Lake

Increased numbers of ducks in last day or two - incomplete count found 17 Pintail, 250 Wigeon, 48 Shoveler and more regular 29 Goldeneye, 13 Gadwall.
Added by Andrew King at 01/12/2023 10:08

28/11/2023 at Usk reservoir

Many thanks to Neil Farr for his response which agrees with the other opinion I received off-line and so I entered immature male on to BirdTrack. That was also my first instinct (from views and first photo) and nice to input that extra detail. Yesterday (28th) at the Usk reservoir there were good numbers of Bullfinch with 14 recorded including a flock of 9. Also 25 Crossbill with two separate flocks of eleven. One Willow Tit near Usk above reservoir and a Green Sandpiper below the dam. Only four Blackbirds were recorded in 2 hours there which seems to be a theme.
Added by Gareth Rees at 29/11/2023 20:58

29/11/2023 at Lower Llsngynidr

Some interesting birds on or near our feeders today. Green Woodpecker, Blackcap (m), Redwing (3), Marsh Tit now daily after no sightings at all in Winter 22/23. Blue Tit (32), Gt Tit (7), Coal Tit (3), LT Tits (11) + (6), Nuthatch (2), GS Woodpecker (1m 1f), Greenfinch (1), Chaffinch (c12), Goldfinch (4), Collared Dove (2), Sparrowhawk (1m), H Sparrow (c80), Starling(c100), Grrrrh.
Added by M&w Evans at 29/11/2023 14:53

26/11/2023 at Winding Hole, Llangynidr

Tit flock of about 40-50 birds interestingly mostly comprised of Great Tits. Also single male Goosander on canal. Male Mandarin still present near boat yard. Cormorant on balancing pond near top locks. Previous day 7 Grey Heron in cattle field next to car park Tretower Court.
Added by Graham Motley at 29/11/2023 07:33

25/11/2023 at Llyn y fan fawr

For Gareth - I suggest by looking at the first image ( 7.15pm pm ) its a male merlin ( grey head and grey wings ). The age of the bird is more difficult looking at changes/variations like eyes, beak, feathers, talons etc. Good birding.
Added by Neil Farr at 26/11/2023 18:36

25/11/2023 at East junction of back road to llanfrynach.

Female Merlin hunting the lane near LLanfrynach before searing over the hedge.
Added by Peter Jackson at 25/11/2023 23:32

25/11/2023 at Lower Neuadd Reservoir

20 Crossbill in two groups of 13&7 around Lower Neuadd Reservoir. Dipper on the ‘dam’.
Added by Mark Waldron at 25/11/2023 19:26