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Displaying records 301 to 325 of 3463

25/11/2023 at Llyn-y-Fan Fawr

A Merlin was found today just below Llyn-y-Fan fawr lake. The bird was perched on a tussock and allowed close approach to within 50 m so that I was able to get some pictures using mobile phone and binoculars and these are in gallery, Any suggestions on sex and age would be welcomed. Not much else on Fan Brycheiniog. 5 Woodock east of Coelbren at dusk
Added by Gareth Rees at 25/11/2023 19:20

25/11/2023 at Llangorse Lake

Photos on Twitter by others who have seen the drake Ring-necked Duck and the fem/imm Common Scoter at Llangorse Lake today.
Added by Mark Waldron at 25/11/2023 19:21

24/11/2023 at Buckland Hill (SO142213)

Under a clear sky and full moon, 3 single Woodcock came out of the trees and onto the common at dusk, over a six minute period- one flying back and forth just 20ft above my head. Earlier 26 Redwing flew to roost in the other direction and 2 Buzzards called and displayed briefly before roosting (SO142213)
Added by John Lewis at 24/11/2023 22:53

24/11/2023 at Llangasty

Common Scoter 1f/imm seen from carpark. Also albino Chaffinch nr Llan Farm.
Added by Dawn, Ben & Carlton Parry at 24/11/2023 18:37

24/11/2023 at Llangorse Lake

33 Pochard, 33 Shoveler, 3 Great and 1 Little Egrets, Peregrine, Merlin, Kingfisher.
Added by Keith Noble at 24/11/2023 15:48

21/11/2023 at Glasbury Fford Fawr

WeBS count today: 60 Teal, 51 Mallard, 45 Wigeon, 28 Canada, 11 Cormorant, 11 Grey Heron and 1 GW Egret. Also 150 FieldFare, 30 Redwing & 50 Starling. NOTE Erosion of the river bank in 'Upper Gro' just below Glasbury bridge has now reached the hedgerow. Access safest bypassing short length in field above. And access along normal riverside route to the count area through 'Middle Gro' and the winter wheat field not possible if the river level at Glasbury Bridge is above approx 1.55 - 1.6 metres as the river bank is so eroded the river then flows along the southerly back channel spreading out across the wheat field (as it did when I tried to do the count yesterday).
Added by Shelley Evans at 21/11/2023 17:02

20/11/2023 at Llangorse Lake

WeBS count today: biggest surprise was a 1st-w Kittiwake that flew up and out west, no doubt blown in by yesterdays winds. Regular fare were 428 Canada Geese, 17 GC Grebe, 30 Cormorant, 3 GW and 1 Little Egrets, 74 Mute Swan, 126 Wigeon, 9 Gadwall, 4 Teal (only), 74 Mallard, 24 Shoveler, pr Pintail, 326 Tufted Duck, 27 POCHARD (largest count since 2013), 38 Goldeneye, 7 Goosander, 709 Coot, 5 Snipe.
Added by Andrew King at 20/11/2023 19:37

19/11/2023 at Tirabad

Two Woodcock flying over the road in the dusk at the edge of the village this evening
Added by Nigel Starnes at 19/11/2023 19:58

19/11/2023 at Mynydd Llangatwg

Another evening and another Merlin....or possibly the same female/immature as the previous two evenings. This time hunting the Fieldfare as they went to roost in the Heather on top of Mynydd Llangatwg alongside the B4560.
Added by Mike Warburton at 19/11/2023 18:16

19/11/2023 at River Usk. Brecon Bridge to Fennifach

A very low WeBS count this morning. Hardly surprising, given the high, fast flowing river levels. A lone Little Grebe was diving at the water's edge at the Boathouse. A single Cormorant was braving the current, mid river at Newton, and only 8 Mallard were present, huddled in groups of 2 & 3 on the river bank above Newton Pools. The return walk gave 8 Long Tailed Tit and 1 Goldcrest in the riverside Fennifach woods. 4 Redwing and 1 Mistle Thrush were in the fields alongside the Gurkha path, and a Grey Wagtail was in Bell Lane at the rear of the former library building.
Added by Nick Morgan at 19/11/2023 12:49

18/11/2023 at Mynydd Illtyd

WeBs count gave 81 Snipe. Also 4 Stonechat, 64 Fieldfare & 7 Redwing. 85 Golden Plover.
Added by Mark Waldron at 18/11/2023 20:14

18/11/2023 at Cwm Claisfer

Female/immature Merlin this evening having a go at the Fieldfare flock feeding in the Hawthorns above the pumping station. Could be the same immature bird I had yesterday evening on Llangynidr Common.
Added by Mike Warburton at 18/11/2023 16:51

18/11/2023 at Llangorse Lake

Drake Ring-necked Duck feeding just to the right of the hide from 15:20. 26 Pochard (19m7f), 21 Goldeneye, 24 Gadwall, 3 Little Grebe, 12 Little Egret & 3 Great White Egret. The Starling roost was very impressive directly in front of the hide. A Goshawk made three attempts before sucessfully taking a Starling. It used hovering, fluttery flight, inches above the reeds before dropping onto its prey.
Added by Mark Waldron & John Lewis at 18/11/2023 15:21

17/11/2023 at Llangors Lake/ Llyn Syfadden

Sunny morning visit to the Common and flooded sailing club field: 6 Goosander, 3 Grey heron, 2 Great White Egret, mixed flock of c.20 each of Fieldfare, Redwing and Blackbird feeding on Hawthorn.
Added by John Lewis at 17/11/2023 20:57

16/11/2023 at Brecon , near canal fields and river Usk

Barn owl near river Usk , flying over fields near Brecon Rugby club .Third sighting this month of a Barn owl , in 3 different locations at dusk .
Added by Beverley Tucker at 16/11/2023 20:11

15/11/2023 at Llandefalle Hill / Llaneglwys Wood (SO070378)

43 Snipe flushed from a boggy area of Llandefalle Hill and there were still 3 Meadow Pipit in the bracken. A low Red Kite put up 24 Crossbill from the edge of adjoining Ysgwydd Hwch with the same party later spooked by a Sparrowhawk. When settled one of the Crosbill was singing. A calling Willow Tit was in the woodland. At dusk 16,500 winter thrushes came in to roost in a small area by of the wood edge 300m west of Werntoe. Almost an continuous stream of birds all from the east following a line directly over Werntoe. The first 6,000 were mostly Fieldfare, before it became more mixed with Redwing and ending as predominately Redwing. Probably 60% Fieldfare, 40% Redwing in total. (SO070378)
Added by Mark Waldron at 15/11/2023 19:16

11/11/2023 at Llan Farm, Llangasty

Bright, pure white Chaffinch in hedge, 8am, different to the one Valmai had in Llyswen a few days ago. [Thanks for your photo and record, Valmai.]
Added by Andrew King at 15/11/2023 18:41

08/11/2023 at LLyswen (SO129383)

White Chaffinch! (SO129383)
Added by Valmai Doughty at 15/11/2023 13:21

12/11/2023 at The Point field at LLangasty

Cattle Egret (images in gallery). Reported to AK.
Added by Peter Seaman at 13/11/2023 20:27

13/11/2023 at Llangorse lake

No sign of the Long Tailed Duck this morning, however a single Dunlin feeding on top of the floating Aquatic plants in the middle of the lake, looked a little odd, lots of Fieldfare and Redwing around Llangasty church
Added by Mark Spirito at 13/11/2023 16:42

13/11/2023 at Llangasty, Llangorse lake

Hen Harrier, female observed nicely as it flew into the strong winds above the reed beds. Also 2 snipe and very active winter thrushes.
Added by Peter Seaman at 13/11/2023 15:35

12/11/2023 at Llangynidr Common

Amazing views of a male Hen Harrier quartering the Bracken stubble just now.
Added by Mike Warburton at 12/11/2023 16:12

12/11/2023 at Llangorse Lake

Drake Long-tailed Duck in front of bird hide 15:15.
Added by Mark Waldron at 12/11/2023 15:17

12/11/2023 at Buckland Hill, near Bwlch

Brambling. About 5 among tits and chaffinches.
Added by Peter Seaman at 12/11/2023 11:37

11/11/2023 at Battle Hill Woods (N.W. of Sarnau)

22x Crossbill - a really nice walk up to and around Battle Hill woods - a woodcock flushed on the way, hundreds of starling in the fields around with great number of redwing and field far as well. in the centre of the woods plenty of crossbill were calling very loudly and quite mobile close to the footpath, at times very easy to see on top of the pines. eventually they flew over head in a nice sized flock of 22!
Added by Scott Larman at 12/11/2023 08:31