Sighting - 26/01/2024 at Usk Reservoir

26/01/2024 at Usk Reservoir

A late morning walk around the reservoir gave 6 Mallard and a GBB Gull on the water and 2 Pied Wagtail on the shore. The woodlands produced a flushed Woodcock, a calling Willow Tit, which frustratingly remained unseen! 3 Goldfinch, 10 Robin. Several Blackbird and a Fieldfare were feeding on Hawthorn berries. A group of 7 Crossbill were perched in exposed Silver Birch trees on the south west corner, before taking flight to the conifer wood on the opposite shore. Raptors seen were singles of C. Buzzard, Red Kite, Peregrine and a hovering Kestrel with 2 Raven also present.

Added by Nick Morgan at 26/01/2024 16:03

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