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Displaying records 126 to 150 of 3461

03/04/2024 at 'Breconshire' heronries

Of the 8 established heronries counted annually in late-March for the BTO Heronries Census there has been a large increase in nests this spring. A total of 107 occupied nests. Reasons are unknown, apart from the obvious one that we have not any icing or severe winter weather for years. All 8 (3 actually just metres over the borders with Rads & Glam) are stable or increasing with the biggest increases at Sennybridge and Garth.
Added by Andrew King at 08/04/2024 09:22

07/04/2024 at Afon Lynfi ( Talgarth ) (SO142333)

One Male Pied Flycatcher seen here today ( Afon Lynfi River ) also singing Willow Warblers, there seems to be more Chiffchaffs around this year too, also 1 Cormorant, 1 Drake Goosander, 3 Mandarin Duck ( 1 Male 2 Female ) (SO142333)
Added by Mark Spirito at 07/04/2024 16:01

05/04/2024 at Scethrog

15.30 - Male and female redstart, whilst looking hopefully at the view of the osprey nest (no luck yet) a male and a female redstart made separate appearances just down from the gate. Plenty of sand Martin and swallow distantly over the Usk valley as well
Added by Scott larman at 05/04/2024 15:02

04/04/2024 at Llangorse Sailing Club Meadows

Two male Garganey around the small willows within the floodwaters on Sailing Club Meadow - viewed distantly from the Wall. 4pm today. Also there - 14 Shoveler, 7 Gadwall, 10 Wigeon, 40 Teal, 3 Goosander, 1 Little Ringed Plover, 1 Lapwing.
Added by Andrew King at 04/04/2024 19:51

03/04/2024 at Llangorse Lake common

White Wagtail on the Acorn jetty, also 34 Barnacle Geese including 24 ringed birds. At least 41 different birds have returned so far this year including 31 ringed birds, down from 53 at this time last year.
Added by Mark Waldron at 03/04/2024 18:58

03/04/2024 at Scethrog

Single male Redstart. 17.30
Added by Tony Gales at 03/04/2024 17:11

02/04/2024 at Pen-y-crug

Curlew heard calling several times from near Cradoc. A few skylark singing on Pen-y-crug.
Added by Graham Motley at 03/04/2024 12:39

03/04/2024 at Glasbury garden

Garden is like living inside a noisy aviary at present. A single siskin all winter has built in the last month to 80-100 (The most since 2010 and 2012). Currently 30 on the patio feeding station alone. Hardly room for the dozen or so Goldfinch and 4 Greenfinch which seem to accompany them. First Blackcap singing a week ago has grown to 3 spread throughout the garden. A lot of overhead Red Kite whistling - perhaps attracted by the siskin noise. One seen carrying twigs.
Added by Shelley Evans at 03/04/2024 11:55

01/04/2024 at Builth Wells

A walk along The Groe gave good close views of a Treecreeper ; a female Goosander ; a Kingfisher & C20 Sand Martins prospecting nesting holes in the riverbank .
Added by Nigel Starnes at 02/04/2024 21:36

02/04/2024 at Llangorse Lake

A drake Garganey and 7 Little Ringed Plover were on the flooded sailing club meadows. Also 97 Teal, 17 Shoveler, 10 Gadwall, 7 Wigeon, 17 Tufted, 4 Goosander and 3 Greylag there.
Added by Mark Waldron at 02/04/2024 17:24

02/04/2024 at Garw Nant Bridge (SO005131)

Maybe of interest; male Pied Flycatcher just upstream of Garw Nant Bridge c11:30 today. Briefly sharing bankside trees with several feeding Chiffchaff. (SO005131)
Added by Mike Hogan at 02/04/2024 13:06

01/04/2024 at LLangorse Lake

Osprey being mobbed by Buzzards.
Added by Tony Gales at 01/04/2024 16:13

01/04/2024 at Elan Valley

Dolymynach 10:30, 4 Goldeneye, 2 Swallows and a fishing Osprey.
Added by Tony Ware at 01/04/2024 12:02

01/04/2024 at Llangorse Lake

A dawn walk a from Llangasty was rewarded with a fine looking Black-Tailed Godwit on the flooded Sailing Club Meadows. Also at SCM were one Redshank, 3 Curlew, 3 Pochard (2f,1m), 4 Lapwing and good numbers of Teal and Shovelor with a few Sand Martin. Six Snipe flushed up from the reeds at CaeTy Mawr and a Willow Warbler was at the western edge of the Ty Mawr fields. A Reed Bunting and Kingfisher were in the willows at Llangasty car park.
Added by Nick Morgan at 01/04/2024 10:28

31/03/2024 at scethrog

osprey flying over the ttower heading towards the allt
Added by ellen walsh moorman at 31/03/2024 21:29

31/03/2024 at Llangorse Lake

Coots, Great Crested Grebe, Mute Swans getting re-aquainted with each other, Tufted ducks, Small Gulls, Lesser Black back gulls, Cormorants, Sand Martins? flying around Llangorse lake. Pair of Grey Lag geese in Ty Mawr meadow, Mallard, Great White Egret, wren by the hide. Heard Cetti's, Black cap and Chiff Chaffs. Canada Geese, lapwing, Buzzards
Added by Ruth Allen at 31/03/2024 15:38

31/03/2024 at Llangasty.

I was lucky enough to see a pair of great crested grebes displaying at midday today. Llangasty car park. Photos in the gallery.
Added by Will Lewis at 31/03/2024 14:02

31/03/2024 at Mynydd Llangynidr

Single male Swallow flying North over the moor just now.
Added by Mike Warburton at 31/03/2024 14:01

31/03/2024 at Cantref Res

Osprey here early morning today. Didn't hang around, circled to gain height and headed north. I hoped it had stopped at Beacons Res. but nothing there.
Added by Rob Griffiths at 31/03/2024 12:59

29/03/2024 at Buckland Hill

Walk from Llangynidr over Buckland Hill on Easter Friday produced 5 or 6 singing Blackcap over 10 singing Chiffchaff. 2 male stonechat one of which in fields between the hill and the village - lots of bloody-nosed beetles on the common. Just beyond the Breconshire boundary at Llanwenarth Church on the Saturday 30th, c.12 sand martin, 1 singing willow warbler and a rather handsome boldly marked "sinensis" like cormorant, later also seen near Llanfoist bridge.
Added by Graham Motley at 30/03/2024 16:47

28/03/2024 at Lower Llangynidr

At 1430 today a Red Kite repeatedly taking scraps from a bird table in a garden off Forge Road, Llangynidr. A first for me.
Added by M Evans at 28/03/2024 17:34

27/03/2024 at Pencelli

Lone curlew (male I think) loafing. 1700
Added by Fran Groves at 27/03/2024 21:53

27/03/2024 at Llangorse lake inlcuding near the bird hide

Little Grebes, at least 4, viewed and certainly heard with a cacophony of calls from the reed beds by the hide, plus Chiffchaff, Blackcap, 7 Little Egrets, 2 Great White Egrets, and Curlew calling in distance,
Added by Peter Seaman at 27/03/2024 15:37

25/03/2024 at Mynydd Llangynidr

Four Ring Ouzels (3 male) feeding amongst the Gorse just South East of the Blaen Onneu Quarry entrance just now.
Added by Mike Warburton at 25/03/2024 17:37

23/03/2024 at river usk by the tower

7 heron, 5 mute swans, 2 gooseanders, 4 mandarin, 48 canadian geese, 21 gulls, 3 little egrets, 3 grey wagtails, 2 red kites, 1 common buzzard, 1 cormorant and mallards…
Added by ellen walsh moorman at 25/03/2024 15:55