Sighting - 02/06/2024 at Penwyllt

02/06/2024 at Penwyllt

Aiming mainly for butterflies I arrived at Penwyllt after mid-day and found that there were at least 9 Herring Gulls wheeling around the big cliffs within the former quarry workings before they moved on up the slope. As I walked south along the former railway track more gull calls were heard and I turned to find 100-150 gulls there with the majority being Lesser Black Backed gulls with a scattering of Herring. Along the track there were a family party of Wheatear and Redstart carrying food. Insects were thin on the ground with a single Dingy Skipper, 2-3 Small Heath and a single Small Tortoiseshell amongst GV Whites. A Mother Shipton moth also present. Yesterday there were at least 4 Red-necked Footman moths within the dense mature forestry of south Glasfynydd forest at Cwm Feity. Three Wood Warbler territories were found there but tree felling has possibly disrupted the usual distribution

Added by Gareth Rees at 02/06/2024 17:11

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