Sighting - 18/04/2024 at Treath Mawr/bach Mynydd Illtyd

18/04/2024 at Treath Mawr/bach Mynydd Illtyd

On reading the (excellent) last 2022 Brecknock Bird Report I was concerned regarding the breeding status of Common Snipe on the bogs of Mynydd Illtyd . Poor survey conditions tonight but as well as 6 wintering birds flushing there were three chipping birds (2 on Traeth Mawr, 1 distantly on Traeth Bach). One of these (TM) eventually drummed. Further surveys planned as there is probably thinning but not yet a loss. Maybe the soaking recent conditions have restored this species? On Camlais pool there were 5 Curlew (thermal assisted). A Barn Owl was a surprise (given conditions) near Cwmbrynich on the bend before the steep descent back to Defynnog.

Added by Gareth Rees at 18/04/2024 23:48

Comments (1)

Andrew King at 19/04/2024 21:08: Gareth - your report of Snipe showing signs of breeding on Mynydd Illtyd is the second this week of chippers/drummers up there. Conditions partly responsible for sure. AK

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