Sighting - 22/04/2024 at Crai village

22/04/2024 at Crai village

Optimum still conditions for detecting Snipe territorial behaviour over last few evenings. Ten drummers in the Llia valley last night (max. 3 together). This evening 10-11 drumming (max 3-4 drummers) over the boggy areas to the south of Crai village and on to the lower slopes of Fan Gyhirych. All from roadsides (A4067 and minor road to Senni) so probably more on the upper slopes

Added by Gareth Rees at 22/04/2024 21:50

Comments (1)

Andrew King at 23/04/2024 07:17: Brilliant surveying Gareth. Sounds like the decent Snipe numbers over winter and the remaining wet conditions have tempted more to stay on to attempt to breed.

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