Sighting - 11/03/2024 at Glasbury Fford Fawr

11/03/2024 at Glasbury Fford Fawr

WeBs count today:a fairly quiet day - 38 Canada Goose, 12 Mallard, 6 Teal, 4 Grey Heron, 3 Curlew, 1 Cormorant, 1 Little Egret & 1 Common Sandpiper. Also 4 Red Kite 1 Buzzard plus 30 Fieldfare and 25 Starling. A scan of the poplars heading out to the count revealed 12 Waxwings clustered in the top of one but they were soon spooked by a Red Kite and not seen further despite searches in the numerous mistletoe trees (apple orchards etc) on the Brecknock side of the river.

Added by Shelley Evans at 11/03/2024 11:50

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