Sighting - 10/03/2024 at Llangors Lake circuit

10/03/2024 at Llangors Lake circuit

The last WeBS count here of the winter. This morning saw 2 L Grebe, 16 GC Grebe, 29 Cormorant, just 1 Heron, 9 L Egret, 5 GW Egret, 43 Mute Swan incl possibly 2 on nests, 11 Barnacle Geese, 61 Canada Geese, 9 Greylags flew in from SE, 166 Wigeon, 2 Gadwall, 305 Teal, 58 Mallard, 11, Shoveler, 3 pr Pintail, 128 Tufted Duck, 22 Goldeneye, 3 Goosander, 1 W Rail, 12 Moorhen, 196 Coot, 2 Oystercatcher, 26 Curlew of which 4 (including 'black 18') were on Neuadd Fm fields at Llynyfi Bridge. 180 Black-headed Gulls, but no sign of the recent L Gulls or Marsh Harrier.

Added by Andrew King at 10/03/2024 23:15

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