Ringing - Curlew

Curlew - 15/05/2021 at Llangasty, Llangorse Lake

Ring description: White “53” / Yellow

This Curlew was released on 10/07/2019 at an age of 45 days after being hatched at Slimbridge as part of a programme to rescue eggs from RAF airfields where the nests would otherwise have been destroyed. This is part of the Slimbridge WWT head start programme. The idea is that these birds would stay in the Slimbridge area and add to the local breeding population, however, now the birds are 2 years old and entering their first breeding season, three of the 50 released birds have been found as far away as Derbyshire and now Llangorse. After it's release it was noted in the Slimbridge area in July and November 2019 but this is the first report since.

Added by Mark Waldron at 15/05/2021 18:45

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