Ringing - Oystercatcher

Oystercatcher - 20/04/2021 at Llangasty, Llangorse Lake

Ring description: Left leg - metal above knee, single blue below knee. Right leg - single blue above knee, orange above black below knee.

Ringed on 18/01/2020 it was then only recorded on Southampton Water at Royal Pier on 23/01/2020, Cracknore Head on 24/01/2020 and Dibden Bay on 19/03/2020. It was seen again at Dibden Bay this spring on 26/03/2021. The ringing team comment that this bird was ringed as 1st winter bird ie hatched in 2019 so prob summered in Southampton last year and is now heading back to try to breed for first time this summer.

Added by Mark Waldron at 20/04/2021 20:08

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