Best Location - Llangorse Lake

Llangorse Lake (SO135265)

This privately-owned but accessible lake is the best site for birding in the county. South Wales largest natural lake, the extensive reedbeds and marginal vegetation has been given SSSI status. An active and highly successful bird-ringing group works year round. Disabled access is good with excellent views possible from both the Llangorse Common northern access point and Llangasty car park on the south shore. Disabled access can also be organised to the bird hide (see link). A level, but often muddy and impassable in winter, footpath runs around the western end from Llangasty to Llangorse village. A bird hide is situated about half way round. There are high numbers of wintering wildfowl including Goldeneye, Gadwall, Pochard, Shoveler, Wigeon, Tufted Duck, Teal and Goosander and a large Gull roost is also present. Summer sees Whitethroat, Chiffchaff, Blackcap, Reed, Sedge, Garden, and Grasshopper Warbler as well as Redstart and Pied Flycatcher around the varied marginal habitats. Year round residents include Great Crested Grebe, Mute Swan, Coot, Water Rail, Cormorant and Cettis Warbler. The lake is very important for migrating birds including Osprey, Common Scoter, Arctic, Sandwich, Common, Little and Black Tern, as well as waders which are best seen from the Llangasty car park and picnic area.


Parking at SO133262 (no facilities), or SO128273 with cafe and toilet facilities.



Location Map