Best Location - Mynydd Illtyd & Daudraeth Illtyd

Mynydd Illtyd & Daudraeth Illtyd (SN977263)

A SSSI managed by the Brecknock Wildlife Trust and Brecon Beacons National Park this site is made up of several wetland sites and upland common. The popular Mountain Visitor Centre is nearby. Disabled access is good with a single track road affording excellent views running the entire length of the common and reserve. Summer visitors include Wheatear, Stonechat, Skylark, Meadow Pipit and Curlew with Red Kite often overhead. Scarse winter visitors have included Golden Plover, Great Grey Shrike, Green Sandpiper, Short-Eared Owl and Hen Harrier.


Pay & display parking at the Mountain Centre with cafe, toilet and visitor centre facilities. SN977262.


Location Map